With Sienne: June 2016

This photo feature, which ran in GRAPH through 2016, had subjects selecting photos they had taken with other Takarasiennes. This edition features Seto Kazuya, Saotome Wakaba, Mao Yuuki, and Tsukishiro Kanato.

(By this point, the photos had captions naming their subjects, which some previous issues did not.)

With Sienne

Flower Troupe: Seto Kazuya

From left, Mineka Towa, Seto, Asumi Rio, Yuzuka Rei

Last summer, in the vacation before the Taiwan performance1, the 4 of us went to Miyako-jima. We stayed at a villa with a pool and played around, ate delicious food, had massages, just spaced out…we relaxed so much it was like ‘haven’t we had enough already?’ (laughs). At night we went to the beach and watched the stars. Laying on the beach and staring at the sky, there were just so many stars sparkling… It was so beautiful. Though Mineka fell asleep in the middle of it (laughs), that’s just how much that trip soothed our hearts and gave us power! Even thinking about it how I get like ‘Ah…Miyako… <3’ (laughs). I’d love to go somewhere with Flower Troupe friends again.

Moon Troupe: Saotome Wakaba

Uzuki Hayate (left) with Saotome

This photo was taken during the production of Bandito. My debut performance was in Moon Troupe, and ever since then I’ve loved Uzuki-san’s dancing! Once I was assigned to Star Troupe I would see Uzuki-san’s shows as often as I could. Though I had a one-sided admiration for her, once I was transferred to Moon Troupe she has given me so much advice on all kinds of things about dance and acting and I’m so happy. I never dreamed of taking a picture with you, but Hoshiki Tsubasa, who was retiring then, said “you’ve got this chance so I’ll take a picture for you!”. I’m so happy and so embarassed, so I’m making a naive expression I haven’t shown to all of you before (laughs). It’s a treasured photo for me.

Star Troupe: Mao Yuuki

From left: Seo Yuriya, Toa Reiya, Mao, Shidou Ryuu

This is the four of us who played Dr. Falke’s assistants in Fledermaus, wearing our fun costumes (laughs). In the last production, Guys and Dolls, I was also acting in a group of three, but in this production since we were all wearing the same costumes it was hard to show a unique character… In the rehearsals we had constant separate practice as a group, and while for a while we were really at our wits’ end, recently I feel like we’re able to be aware of the atmosphere of the Grand Theatre and perform in a more relaxed way. Our stage time is all together, starting with the prologue, so even in the wings the 4 of us are living it up and having a fun time every day!

Snow Troupe: Tsukishiro Kanato

From left: Tsukishiro, Rei Makoto, Sakuragi Minato, Asami Jun

During last year’s Takarazuka Special, all us classmates hurried to get into our costumes early and snap! got this photo before any of our seniors turned up (laughs). I don’t have many opportunities to work with my classmates in other troupes, I discovered so many new things in the rehearsals, and it all felt very fresh and fun. We went out to eat and talked about performing and it motivated me a lot. I’m also really grateful for the makeup guidance from my seniors in the other troupes… I learned so much being able to perform with stars who are all wonderful in different ways, and this time made me think I have to keep doing my best too!

1 – The Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie Antoinette/Takarazuka Fantasia.

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