WINGS – July 2022

WINGS is a Kageki feature (revived from a few years back) where a few young actresses answer questions about themselves and Takarazuka. This issue’s column includes Haruno Sakura, Mihane Ai, Neiro Yui, and Kase Kyou.

WINGS – July 2022

  1. Favorite Takarazuka shows
  2. Favorite __ (insert your own)
  3. Charm point
  4. A challenge you want onstage
  5. A challenge you want offstage
  6. Something you want people to notice about you onstage & personal promo

Haruno Sakura, Cosmos Troupe
Recent prominent roles: Hotel Svizra House (2021), Silvy; NEVER SAY GOODBYE junior performance (2022), Catherine MacGregor

  1. Elisabeth, Romeo et Juliette
  2. My favorite Disney Princess – Ariel, Rapunzel; My Favorite Takarazuka costumes – Hoopskirt dresses, otokoyaku’s black and white tuxedoes; My favorite otokoyaku actions – The way they loosen their neckties, the way they sweep back their hair
  3. My narrow eyes that disappear when I laugh
  4. I want to try acting in a Japanese-style play. I want to try learning different ways of speaking, gesturing, and posing that I havent challenged myself with before.
  5. I want to learn stage combat. I think women who can do combat are so cool.
  6. I will keep working hard so that I can become someone whose acting, singing, and dancing makes the audience watching forget everything else and pulls them completely into the world of the show.

Mihane Ai, Flower Troupe
Debut: 2018, Killer Rouge
Recent prominent roles: Prince of Roses (2021), Anne Neville; Genroku Baroque Rock junior performance (2021), Kira

  1. Romeo et Juliette
  2. My favorite color – Yellow; My favorite scent – chamomille; My favorite side dish – salted konbu cheese
  3. The way my ears are round and come to a point by my forehead. Recently they’ll even reflect the lights of the rehearsal room.
  4. I’m always challenging myself to take on each and every performance fresh instead of getting too caught up in things.
  5. Skydiving! I’ve only got one life so I want to master everything.
  6. I use a lot of things like hair accessories and earrings that I put a lot of emotion into making by hand, so if you had time I’d love if you could take a little look!

Neiro Yui, Snow Troupe
Debut: 2019, Ocean’s 11
Recent prominent roles: City Hunter junior performance (2021), Makimura Kaoru; Sweet Little Rock n Roll (2022), Mary

  1. 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille
  2. My favorite snack – Apollo [chocolates]; My favorite character – The Cute Otter and his Little White Lies; My favorite Takarazuka song – ‘The White Flowers Smile’ from L’Amour a Paris
  3. My broad forehead
  4. An offstage solo for a duet dance! It’s not like singing a solo on stage. I really yearn to perform an offstage solo that’s like a flower adorning the world the couple are creating onstage, so I would love to try that sometime.
  5. I really love cats, but I’ve never been to a cat cafe, so I want to do that!
  6. As an actor and as a musumeyaku I’m always studying makeup, hair and other accessories and being very particular about it. I’m going to keep doing my best to keep advancing with every performance and I hope a lot of you will spot me!

Kase Kyou, Snow Troupe
Recent prominent roles: Yumesuke and the 1000 Ryo Souvenir (2022), Sousuke; Yumesuke and the 1000 Ryo Souvenir junior performance, Iseya Soutarou

  1. Guys and Dolls, One Night of Stars, When the Last Sword is Drawn
  2. My favorite media – K-Dramas, K-pop; My favorite beverages – Chai tea latte, Lipovitan D [energy drink]; Character – Gizmo from ‘Gremlins’
  3. I think it’s my wide mouth and the way the back of my head is round and easy to grab!
  4. I want to try a role where I express my emotions through dance. I feel like if I was just dancing out my emotions I could surpass my limits and discover something new.
  5. I have a huge sweet tooth so I’d love to try making sweets!! I’d especially like to try making strawberry daifuku mochi!
  6. My goal is to become a performer who can use my wide mouth as a charm point to make the audience think ‘I want to see her again’! I’ll passionately and powerfully keep doing my best!!

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