This article about Towaki Sea’s junior lead in Bakumatsu Taiyouden was published by Sports Hochi on May 9, 2017; however, the page has since been removed and no archives remain.
‘Sagiri’s child’, Takarazuka Snow Troupe’s Towaki Sea has 4th junior lead: ‘It made me feel like a beginner again’
The junior performance for the Takarazuka Revue Snow Troupe’s new musical Bakumatsu Taiyouden took place on the 9th at the Takarazuka Grand Theatre in Hyogo Prefecture.
The oldest member, and therefore ‘Leader’ of the junior cast, is 7th-year star Towaki Sea, who takes center stage for the fourth time. She plays the cheerful ‘stay-in Saheiji’, who ingeniously resolves all sorts of trouble surrounding the Bakumatsu-era Sagami Inn. During the curtain call, she thanked all the other members of the cast, and the senior actresses who guided them, saying “Even though I had the lead role, and it was a bit of a struggle with how the character is influenced by those around him, in the end, like Saheiji, I was just so moved by everyone surrounding me.”
Since 2015’s Lupin III – Chase the Queen’s Necklace! until now, Towaki has played the junior lead in 4 out of 5 of Sagiri Seina’s Grand Theatre plays, only excluding One Night of Stars. Counting Sagiri’s time as second level star, the junior performance of Maeda Keiji can also be included, making 5 shows. She can practically be called ‘Sagiri’s child’.
This play is the retirement performance for Sagiri and Top Musumeyaku Sakihi Miyu. Talking about Sagiri, who pushed her into growth, after the show, Towaki said “She taught me everything from square one, and I have a really deep attachment to her. This role is a compilation of all Sagiri-san’s facets. It made me feel like a beginner again, so I showed Sagiri-san what I was doing and studied under her.”
From opening day (April 21) to May 5, Towaki also had to perform as understudy for absent third level star Ayakaze Sakina. “It was really tough, but I think through playing different roles I was able to understand the show even better,” she said.
The role of the prostitute O-Some is played by Nonoka Himari, who is in her 5th year as a member of the Revue. This is her first performance as a junior heroine. “While I was nervous since it was my first time, when I got on stage and say Towaki-san’s smile I was put at ease right away,” she said with a relieved expression, looking back at the stage.
The Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre’s junior performance is scheduled for June 29. Towaki says “I want to keep myself calm and give good advise to the junior actresses as their leader.” Looking ahead, Nonoka says “I want to express more freshness.”