Lyrics: New Age of Man (The Scarlet Pimpernel)

This is the new song written by Wildhorn for the most recent productions of The Scarlet Pimpernel (it seems to have made its first appearance in the 2016 Toho production, starring Aran Kei and a man).

This song replaces the second half of the Madame Guillotine reprise in Act II; instead of Chauvelin’s solo portion, it segues into this.

The Revolution succeeded because of my power
I created this new France
For the sake of these ideals, no sacrifice was too much
I kept fighting without looking back

The blood flowing from the blade of the guillotine
Fuels the crimson flames of revolution
But why can’t the people understand
We’re still only halfway down this great road?

If we were to hesitate now, the light would vanish
And the way would be blocked forever

(dialogue break)

We have to believe in Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
A revolution is always accompanied by sacrifices
To stop the purges now would be absurd
I have to prove to the people once again
Who the leader of the Revolution is
It is me: Robespierre!

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