This article featuring Aran Kei’s recollection of the opening of The Scarlet Pimpernel in 2008 was published by Mainichi News on October 19, 2015. (This article has since been taken down and no archived versions are available; the link is included for completion.)
Dream Anthology: Former Star Troupe Top Star Aran Kei
Reaction to opening night applause
While the musical The Scarlet Pimpernel (2008) is called a masterpiece of mine, I didn’t even imagine it would turn out that way. Before the curtain opened we hadn’t sold too many tickets and hadn’t received much of a reaction.
I still can’t forget the applause on the first night in the Grand Theatre after I sang on the Silver Bridge at the end of the first act. The applause was so powerful I felt like I would fall into the orchestra pit. After that praise of the show spread and the number of people coming increased.
The lead role, Percy, plays the fool, but in reality he’s a hero of justice. Since this is a type of story that turns up in Japan a lot and is easy to understand, it was easy to perform. The beautiful melody of the show’s theme song, “A Piece of Courage”, was written for us by the composer, Frank Wildhorn.
While I was back on the Grand Stage for the 100th anniversary last year, as well as this year, I faltered a bit seeing how big it was. But the audience was so warm: it was like they were saying “welcome back!”
Next month, at a concert with the Tokyo Philharmonic, I’ll be singing “A Piece of Courage” as well as numbers from musicals I performed in after my retirement from Takarazuka. But I want everyone to listen to and enjoy the richly layered music of the orchestra, and not just my singing.