The countdown starts from the moment of becoming Takarazuka’s Top Star: Sagiri Seina’s retirement

This is an extremely interesting article about Sagiri Seina’s career and the Top Star system as a whole. It also discusses her unique partnership with Sakihi Miyu.

The original article was written by Murakami Kumiko and published in Nikkan Sports on June 11, 2017. (Archive link here.)

The countdown starts from the moment of becoming Takarazuka’s Top Star: Sagiri Seina’s retirement

The Takarazuka Revue is surrounded by a ‘violet-colored’ veil. Its greatest charm, if described in the words of the Japanese seasons, is that just like the sakura, it is most beautiful because it is fleeting. No matter how popular or outstandingly talented the Top Star, nearly all retire within an average of 2-2.5 years. This countdown starts from the moment of ascending to the position of Top Star.

Sagiri Seina, who said her farewells to the Revue’s home theatre in Hyogo Prefecture on May 29th, had the 2550-seat Takarazuka Grand Theatre operating over 100% capacity for all 5 of her Grand Theatre shows. She retires having achieved a new record.

In the 103-year history of Takarazuka, achieving unprecedented numbers is not so out of the ordinary. Plays are chosen to suit the character of the Top Star, and for original shows a system of ‘writing to the star’ is in place. Thus, the Top Star has an extreme level of responsibility: it is not going too far to say she bears the full responsibility for ticket sales.

Besides the obvious preparation for shows, the Top Star has a wide range of duties, from fan events to business promotions, as well as creating an atmosphere in the troupe that produces the best shows possible. The effort and motivation this requires has a limit of about 2-2.5 years. Sagiri Seina herself said at her retirement announcement conference that ‘while if I could maintain this level of energy I would love to continue being an otokoyaku forever, that is impossible, so I have to leave.’

During this limited time of being Top Star, her affinity with her partner musumeyaku also has a great influence on her path. Top Musumeyaku are not installed in their position because of their still in singing, dancing, or acting. Their potential compatibility with the Top Star is considered most important, but until they actually perform together it is impossible to know how well they actually work together. The excellence and synergy of Snow Troupe’s Top Combi of Sagiri and her partner musumeyaku, Sakihi Miyu, caused an explosion of popularity.

It is a partnership of equally talented actresses. Sagiri always aimed to put Sakihi on equal footing with herself, which, in the world of Takarazuka where the otokoyaku always comes first, meant that Sakihi also bore a great deal of responsibility. The fans, knowing the two were also close in their private lives, happily supported them.

In the ‘Farewell Recital’ performed on the final day of the last show at the main theatres, the Top Star is generally the sole focus for around 70% of the show. However, in the case of this combi, around 40% of the songs were duet numbers, an unprecedented amount. Sagiri said ‘I decided on this set list after conferring with Sakihi.’ A Top Star ‘conferring’ with their musumeyaku partner is also unprecedented. As a symbol of this trust, there was also a succession of duet dances. Their partnership’s ‘bonds’ were fully displayed, leaving nothing behind on their departure from the Grand Theatre.

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