Backstage Journal is a short Kageki feature where very young cast members write anecdotes about what’s going on behind the scenes of the productions. They’re not very deep, being full of emojis and more like blog entries than articles, but they are a good way to get to know the newest actresses in each troupe.
This one is by Star Troupe member Amahana Ema, and was published in the July 2017 issue.
Backstage Journal: Amahana Ema (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Hello, everyone! It’s been a long time. This is Amahana Ema. This will be my second Backstage Journal. It’s been 3 years…I’ll do my best to make this a fun journal entry, so please stay with me until the end.
In The Scarlet Pimpernel, you all may have noticed, but…the members of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel wear the same colors as another band of warriors!!!
Pay attention to their fashionable clothes!!

The League all wear re~ally colorful courtly suits, but if you look closely…OMG!! Aren’t those the same colors worn by the Sailor Senshi in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon?!! Dewhurst (Ichijo) in yellow: Sailor Uranus, Ozzy (Toa) in blue: Sailor Mercury, Elton in green (Mao): Sailor Jupiter, Farleigh (Shidou) in orange: Sailor Venus, Hal (Aya) in purple: Sailor Saturn, Ben (Amahana) in red: Sailor Mars, Ffoulkes (Tenju) in pink: Chibi-Usagi <3 And our leader, Percy (Kurenai) is of course Tuxedo Mask!!! …but. In the end, there was no Sailor Moon, so when we were discussing it, we settled on asking His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales (Ema)!! But as it turns out, we are still recruiting for a Sailor Moon <3
As for how and why this got started…we don’t know ourselves, to be honest. It just happened one day in the dressing room. I would often goof around with Papa (Hiroka Yuu), but that day she suddenly shouted ‘Rescue!!’ and hugged me. From that day on I became a disciple of Rescue. Some days I would hug her, other days catch her legs with mine – without that we couldn’t get our energy up before the curtain rose for the performance. Also, it wasn’t just Papa and me – a lot of people got into it and more and more people ended up as targets for Rescue. The 3 main things people would shout were ‘Rescue!’, ‘Let’s Q!’, and ‘Finding Nemo!’ If you’re feeling down give it a try!! It will give you energy!!
Ben’s date <3
Although this is a private matter, one morning before the show me and my lover Polly-chan (Amairo Mineri) decided to go on a date. But when I asked the charming Polly what she would like to eat: ‘What!? Oh…o…olives!!’ Olives?! Ben was shocked. Imagine that, olives… Polly hadn’t been able to think straight at the sudden question. So cute~ <3 In the end, they had something else, but when the adoring Ben saw Polly eating happily he was so charmed he would have forgiven anything.
How was that, everyone? This production was nothing but fun every day. It was the retirement performance for my dear friend Mioka Anri, so it’s very sad to lose a precious companion, but I have every wish for her happiness and I’m thankful we were able to do this fun show together.
Thank you very much for reading!!