Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.
Star Troupe’s Troupe Report has been written by Kisaragi Ren since 2015. The December 2017 edition focuses on Ichijo Azusa, who retired from Star Troupe with the show closing that month.
Star Troupe Troupe Report (December 2017)
This month, it’s a special feature about the most passionate otokoyaku of all of us, ‘Guts’ – Ichijo Azusa!
Q: What is Ichijo-san like in the Leadership Room*?
“Although she is so sharp onstage, she’s actually really cute 💖” – Miki Chigusa
“Usually she’s so cool, but every once in a while she’ll be like ‘Kai-chan, Kai-cha~n’ and try to get me to spoil her; it’s so adorable!” – Nanami Hiroki
So as you can see, she has some unexpected aspects 💖
“When Sayumi-san (Kurenai) is changing her makeup she’ll make sure it gets done perfectly. Shiiran (Ichijo) knows where everything is so if Sayumi-san says ‘I don’t have OOO!’ she’ll tell her where to find it. It’s really amazing!!” – Mari Yuzumi
Sayumi-san also says “I’ll die without he~r 😭 Ichijo-chan is irreplaceable~! She understands everything about me. Please keep acting as my little brother~!!”
Sayumi-san and Ichijo-san’s bond is really special ✨
Ichijo-san said “I’ll have to make a Sayumi-chan User’s Manual!”: her smile as she laughed was really dazzling.
Q: Do you have any funny stories about her time as a yokasei?
“Shiiran loved Coca-Cola, but all of us would end up stealing drinks of it, so it would always go flat. Her response to that was… ‘it’s fine if you drink my cola but AT LEAST CLOSE THE LID!!’” – Nagina Ruumi
The 89th class members get along so well 💖
Q: What is something Ichijo-san said that has stuck with you?
“No matter what kind of role you get, make sure you do it beautifully. There’s sure to be someone who will look at you. Don’t be withdrawn, put yourself out there!” – Amaki Homare
“You’ll end up tired no matter what you do so go into it as if you’ll die!” – Haruto Yuuho
“I wonder if I can make my eyes even sparklier…?” – Rei Makoto
“Otokoyaku are only able to look their best because the musumeyaku is beautiful. I want you to be that kind of musumeyaku.” – Kozakura Honoka
“Star Troupe is its own spirit! I want you to carry on my determination!” – Amaji Sora
“I’ll protect you!!” – Shirotae Natsu
“How big the role is doesn’t matter. It’s how much you put into that role that’s the important thing!!” – Hiroka Yuu
(Yumeki) “You look cool today, too!” (Ichijo) “I know that myself!! Of course I do!!” – Yumeki Anru

As for Kisaragi…when I’m stressed or nervous, I hear Ichijo-san saying ‘There’s nothing left but to just do it!’. I think Ichijo-san’s spirited words, feelings, and determination will keep shoving us forward long into the future.
Also, Airi (Aimizu Serena) and Chii-chan (Natsuki Rei) are such precious friends to all of us. Thank you so much for everything!!!
🌟 Aa-chan’s birthday! 💖
Sayumi-san gave Aa-chan a present of a wall clock inspired by her ✨

1 – The Leadership Room is the separate dressing room shared by the most senior members of the troupe, regardless of other standing such as Top Star, etc. (Exact number of people who use the Leadership Room is unclear.)