Monthly Question!! – April 2018

Monthly Question!! was the new Kageki Top Star feature for 2018, taking over from That’s RanKING! It’s somewhat similar to That’s RanKING! in that it asks the Top Stars what they think the others would do in a particular situation, but without the points competition element.

This month’s scenario: You are Momotaro. You are headed to Demon Island. The dog, the monkey, and the pheasant tell you ‘If you give me a millet dumpling we’ll join you’. However, if you only had one millet dumpling…

Monthly Question!!
In this situation…what would you do!?

The Top Star of each troupe answers ‘if this happened, what would you do?’ Enjoy this feature as we compare their predictions!

This month’s topic: You are Momotaro. You are headed to Demon Island. The dog, the monkey, and the pheasant tell you ‘If you give me a millet dumpling we’ll join you’. However, if you only had one millet dumpling…

Flower Troupe – Asumi Rio

I would…
I’d eat it myself. I can’t deal with pheasants… And the monkey and the dog might attack me, right? Therefore, I’d savor the taste of a single delicious millet dumpling and then go and do my best by myself. But probably if I were to ask Aya-chan (Nozomi), she would come along with me, I think.

Everyone else would…
I think Ryou-chan (Tamaki) would get along well with the dog (laughs). I think she’d apologize to the monkey and the pheasant and then choose the dog. I think Aya-chan (Nozomi) would break the millet dumpling into three portions and ask ‘You’ll come with me this way, right?’ and convince them to go along with her. Even if Kurenai-san didn’t have any millet dumplings, she’d be able to convince them ‘This is going to be awesome, come on!’ Yurika-chan (Makaze) is pretty big, so I think she’d just pick them up and go. I feel like she’d say ‘Sorry about this…’ with a smile and scoop them all up in her arms.

Snow Troupe – Nozomi Fuuto

I would…
I’d break up the millet dumpling. I’d break it up and give everyone a piece.

Everyone else would…
I feel like Mirio (Asumi) would split it up too. Maybe Tamakichi (Tamaki) would be like ‘How could there only be one millet dumpling!’ and throw it to the ground, and then kneel down and tell the animals ‘Please, I need your help!’ and she would be so handsome that they would go with her. Sayumi-san (Kurenai) would use her natural communication skills on the animals and before you know it she would be great friends with all of them and they’d all join her. Makyaze (Makaze) would say ‘I don’t need allies who can be tempted with a single millet dumpling!’ and give them a thorough lecture on what a real ally is like, and after hearing that the animals would all cry and join her (laughs).

Moon Troupe – Tamaki Ryou

I would…
I’d break it into three pieces and say ‘It’s only a third now, but will you come anyway?’ and get them all to come.

Everyone else would…
Asumi-san would really struggle over ‘Which one should I give this too…?’ I think. And then the monkey would snatch the millet dumpling and say ‘Come on, let’s go!’ (laughs) Who would Nozo-san (Nozomi) give it to…probably the dog. She’d bring the dog along and also do her best herself. Kurenai-san would give it to the pheasant, since with the pheasant she would be able to fly away and escape. I think she’d be the type to think about what to do if things went bad on Demon Island as well. I think Yurika-san would make two more millet dumplings herself and get them all to come with her.

Cosmos Troupe – Makaze Suzuho

I would…
I’d have them all talk among themselves as to who would come with me, and if they couldn’t decide I’d have them play rock-paper-scissors. If I didn’t make sure it was all fair it would damage their relationship with each other afterwards, you see (laughs).

Everyone else would…
Would Mirio-san even go to a place like Demon Island? If she did go, she definitely wouldn’t pick the pheasant since it’s a bird, and I don’t see her as caring for the monkey either (laughs), so maybe she would pick the dog. Tama-chan (Tamaki) likes dogs, so she’d go for the dog of course (laughs). Daimon-san would break the millet dumpling into three pieces (laughs) and then go defeat the forces of evil! Sayumi-san would say ‘don’t worry, when we get back there will be tons of millet dumplings!’ or something, and end up with all of them, I think (laughs).

Star Troupe – Kurenai Yuzuru

I would…
I’d give a third to each of them and bring them all with me!

Everyone else would…
I feel like Yurika (Makaze) would totally refuse to participate and say ‘I don’t want any part of this! I’m going by myself!’ (laughs). Daimon (Nozomi) would be like ‘Oh….What to do…’ and struggle for a bit, but then she would be like ‘I’ve got it! You can play rock-paper-scissors for it!’ I think. And then as a follow-up she’d tell the ones who lost ‘Well, you lost, I’m sorry,’ and the other two would follow her of their own volition. Tamakichi would be like ‘But I want to eat it!’ (laughs). And then…she’d probably have them play rock-paper-scissors. Either that or she’d come and ask ‘Kurenai-san, what did you do?’ (laughs). Mirio-san would be like ‘Is there something else I could give you that would work?’ and find a substitute to give them, I think.


Beni: “I feel like if I was nearby, Yurika would call me over and say ‘I only have one millet dumpling, but all three of them say they want one, so what am I supposed to do?” So I’d say “Just split it into thirds,” and I think she’d end up doing that as well (laughs).

Mirio and animals:
“Aren’t monkeys kind of scary too somehow? They’ll scream ‘Kii!’ and stuff… And then dogs will jump on you…”

Asumi: “In the end, the whole problem is that when I’m in such a dangerous situation, where I’m going to try and exterminate the demons, they won’t even join me unless I give them a millet dumpling! I think I’d just be like ‘Huh? Well, who needs you!’ (laughs)”

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