ON THE RISE was a 2008 feature for up-and-coming young stars, asking them various questions about their on- and off-stage life. Kazu’s was published in the May issue.
ON THE RISE Kazu Ryouka
Kazu Ryouka, Star Troupe
Debut performance – 2002: The Tale of Genji – Lived in a Dream
Height – 171 cm
Birthday – October 6
Home region – Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Nickname – Kazu
The first Takarazuka show you saw:
I was too little to remember. Apparently it was Star Troupe…
Your motivation for joining Takarazuka:
A teacher recommended it.
A memory from the Takarazuka Music School entrance exam:
I was all by myself so I was really lonely…
Your favorite subjects at the Takarazuka Music School:
Modern dance, tea ceremony
Your favorite Takarazuka song:
Tons of the famous songs.
When do you memorize your scripts?
In the bath at home
What do you do to stave off nervousness?
I take deep breaths
A mistake you’ve made onstage:
I feel over really dramatically in the middle of a play once…
The time it takes to do your stage makeup:
About 30 minutes
Your must-have for performing:
How do you spend the night before an opening?
Visualization of what’s going to happen (including quick-changes, etc.)
Something you focus on as an otokoyaku:
Making musumeyaku look more beautiful during lifts.
A show that left a big impression on you:
The Tokyo shinjin kouen of ‘Hotel Stella Maris’
Onstage moments that make you happy:
When I see the audience looking happy or laughing.
Times that make you happiest:
Your favorite music genre:
Currently it’s jazz
Your favorite fashion style:
Colors you think suit you:
Purple, white, black
Something you cried over recently:
I heard a sad story from someone
Something you laughed about recently:
I was watching a DVD of ‘The World of GOLDEN EGGS’ 1
Do you have a pet?
I don’t.
The first thing you do when you get up:
I open the curtains
Something you do to keep up your health:
Drinking water
What kind of child were you?
I was raised by my grandmother.
Skills you have acquired in the past:
Ballet, jazz dance, Japanese dance, calligraphy, piano, conversational English
Something you recommend from your home region:
The Takoyaki Kewpie dolls <3
Someone you’d like to meet:
Kiefer Sutherland
1 – A comedy sketch anime that aired in the mid 2000s