Exciting Stage Talk was a Kageki feature from 2018 where each of the Top Musumeyaku talked about performing. Manaki’s was published in the July issue.
Chapi’s Exciting Stage Talk – Manaki Reika, Moon Troupe
The Top Musumeyaku of each troupe talk about the stage!
What was the reason you decided to be a musumeyaku?
As a fan, I liked both otokoyaku and musumeyaku, so rather than thinking I wanted to be one or the other, all I thought about was wanting to enter Takarazuka. I started out as a musumeyaku, and then in the middle of the Takarazuka Music School I changed to otokoyaku. And then after that, when I was ken-3, I switched to musumeyaku, but I really struggled with that…
But, when I thought about my future once again, I felt like the musumeyaku path was more exciting to me. After all, ever since I was little, I had thought that the musumeyaku cuddling close with the otokoyaku were so cute, like princesses, so I had yearned to be like that. And when I thought about what kind of roles I wanted to do, the musumeyaku roles gave me a lot stronger feelings, so I ended up resolved that ‘In the end, I’d like to be a musumeyaku!’
I think I was able to feel that due to being able to see otokoyaku and musumeyaku close up after entering Moon Troupe. I was able to see with my own eyes the kind of power the musumeyaku have in being able to make the otokoyaku look even more attractive, and I was drawn in by that appeal and thought that I wanted to do that too.
If you were an otokoyaku, what kind of roles would you like to do?
If I had to say, I think right now, personally, I would like to play Oscar from The Rose of Versailles. After all, Oscar and Andre are like ‘The’ emblematic Takarazuka roles, so I’d really like to do that. So, if I was an otokoyaku, I think I’d like to try playing that role…but, I’d rather look at the otokoyaku, not be one!
What is your method of approaching your roles?
First off I get inspiration, I guess, from reading the script, and so I try to get an image of in general how their hair would be, their face, their hands, their voice, the atmosphere they have…and then from there go to the rehearsals and see how my partner is doing things, and what they are thinking about, as I put together the character.
Even for characters who existed in real life, ultimately what I will consider is “how would this character work in this show, being put on by this Moon Troupe?” For original roles, I’ll think about the movies and dramas I’ve watched and see if they are a ‘type’ I could find there, or see if there is a portion of another work that I can reference for the character, and things like that.
Sometimes I’m thinking about it as an actress, and sometimes as my character, but basically what I do is get a firm grasp on an image and then try to get as close to that as I can before going to going to rehearsal and trying to make the character my own.
What line was said to you that made you the happiest?
There are a lot, but since I am always reacting to them while in character, it’s hard to think back on it. Recently, perhaps it’s the line Baddy (Tamaki) says when he meets me in BADDY – The Bad Lot Came from the Moon. “You’re called Goody? That’s a cute name.” Squee! (laughs). It might be cheesy but I like it.
How do you act right before the show begins?
I think I’m the type who doesn’t want other people around. But I think recently I’m not so much that way as I used to be. I had a time when I concentrated too much on ‘I have to do everything right!’… While inside me the character is trying to come out, once I have my makeup done, and my costume on, and go to the wings, I just go into my own world. At those times…what am I thinking about, actually? (laughs) I don’t really know myself, but I’m not the most adept, so I have to concentrate all by myself or it won’t work.
My first ‘Backstage Journal’
(June 2011 Kageki, Prince of the Land of Roses/ONE, Moon Troupe Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre performance Backstage Journal)

I’m an otokoyaku, aren’t I (laughs). This was my final performance as an otokoyaku. Ah, I remember when I did this, I asked Masaki-san (Masaki Ryuu) “Who is your favorite character?” Before this performance I had had some opportunities to be in acting scenes with Masaki-san, and I had talked with her, so I went to ask her “Can I write about you?” I nervously went up to various senior actresses to ask if they had any anecdotes I could use. I hadn’t had anything published in Kageki since my debut statement, so I was really happy about it.
For that performance, I was determined to enjoy my last otokoyaku role! I was so totally into it (laughs). I was able to be in the tailcoats ensemble dance choreographed by Choreographer Haneyama at the very end. Tailcoats are the pinnacle of ‘otokoyaku’, so I was really happy about that.
What is your motto as a stage performer?
It is to feel the atmosphere of that space and that show and enjoy myself. And also, I focus a lot on thoroughly conveying that to the audience. I don’t want to forget the feelings I would have while I was still a fan when I went to see Takarazuka and felt that I had entered the dream world, so I want to let the fans feel that too and all I want is for someone to feel even a little more happiness.
I feel like that’s the meaning of theatre, why I wanted to be like that; I think that’s the reason I decided I wanted to do theatre. I’m so happy when someone says that they enjoyed it, and I’d do anything for that. Also I love the feeling when I’m onstage that I’ve been set free somehow. I really want to enjoy that feeling. Although of course I feel pressure and responsibility, but I love the stage so much that I think if I was going to choose I would want to do it all over again.