This is Misaki Rion’s farewell invitation talk in Kageki, which was published in the April 2017 issue. She invited Senka member Yuuma Rin, who she had also performed with when they were both members of Flower Troupe.
Keep Smiling! – Misaki Rion retirement talk with Yuuma Rin

Misaki: I was with Marin-san (Yuuma) during my time in Flower Troupe, and then last year when we were together again for Elisabeth, it was really nostalgic, and I was so happy. I thought ‘I would love to have a chance to talk thoroughly with her’, so I took the liberty of requesting you.
Yuuma: For this precious page!!!
Misaki: I really owe a lot to you, and I like you a lot, so I thought it would be simply perfect.
Yuuma: I’ve received a love confession. Basically, I’ve always been fond of Mirion (Misaki). Recently I was talking with Daimon (Nozomi) and Akira (Seto), and we were all saying we were really weak for Mirion, and so we just couldn’t help supporting you, and all that (laughs).
Misaki: I just…really like you…
Yuuma: I really like you too, with your laughter and your open personality. Mirion-san, didn’t you stand out ever since you were first assigned to Flower Troupe?
Misaki: No, no…you mean because my makeup was terrible? (laughs)
Yuuma: Your makeup… (laughs). Although I did have the feeling that your wig and makeup styling was going to need…a lot of work (laughs), I thought that a really pretty girl had joined the troupe. In EXCITER, the first show after you were assigned to the troupe, you were on the Silver Bridge in one scene…
Misaki: During the fashion show scene, where 5 couples cross the Silver Bridge.
Yuuma: You were with Maa-kun, right?
Misaki: Yes! I was with Maa-sama.
Yuuma: The youngest couple was Maa-kun and Mirion. I’ll never forget how stiff and nervous you were in the rehearsal room (laughs).
Misaki: My face was so frozen, so even if I was trying to laugh it wouldn’t show at all.
Yuuma: And then when it came time for the dress rehearsals, that incredible wig (laughs).
Misaki: And I just thought ‘Yup, this will do!’ and came out in that.
Yuuma: Right, right. “You know you’re a Ken-1 when…” And then…or was it after you had already become a senior actress? That show with Eritan (Sou Kazuho)…
Both: Canaria!!!
Misaki: You were playing the director of the Demon Academy, and you were just amazing. Your characterization and your acting and everything!
Yuuma: Now, now. I had the feeling that Maittii (Minami) and Mirion were weaponizing your youth and using all your energy towards your performance! (laughs) Were you still ken-1 then?
Misaki: I was ken-3!
Yuuma: That was incredible for ken-3. The role of Adjani was perfect for you.
Misaki: I am told that a lot, and it’s still a performance that holds a lot of memories for me.
Yuuma: How long were you in Flower Troupe?
Misaki: Three years. I was transferred just as I was about to become ken-4.
Yuuma: So in the end it was only three years? Wow! You left such a deep imprint on the troupe…amazing.
Misaki: (laughs)
Yuuma: I remember that duet dance you did with Eritan on the boat in Canon really clearly.
Misaki: That was another situation where I was really suddenly able to join that scene, and also the duet dance with two couples in the finale. I felt so much pressure internally.
Yuuma: You didn’t look it at all.
Misaki: I actually cried over that a lot. But I remember that Eritan comforted me really brightly: she would say “The heck’re you crying about? This isn’t the time for cryin’~ (laughs)”
Yuuma: You looked like you laughed your way through it. That brash laughter is the image I have of Mirion. Your laughter helps you make it through all kinds of things, and you don’t really show frustration on the outside, right? Even if I think you look like you’re having a hard time it’s like ‘but she’s still laughing!’ (laughs). After all, if you laugh you can get through the difficult things.
Misaki: That’s right.
Yuuma: Your last Flower Troupe performance was Chikamatsu: Journey on the Road of Love, right.
Misaki: That was also my first traditional Japanese-style performance, so I really struggled in rehearsals.
Yuuma: Even though here we are as Kansai folks, at times we couldn’t even manage the Kansai dialect in the script (laughs). But those days in rehearsal…
Misaki: I’ll never forget them.
Yuuma: I remember it as if it just happened the other day. I can picture Mirion feverishly working to deal with the trouble spots. So in turn the rest of us felt like we had to put in our best effort too.
Misaki: I was fighting with myself, and fighting with the difficult parts in the show, so I was totally wiped out every day (laughs).
Yuuma: Our conversation every day would be like “You don’t look so great, do you?” “Neither do you!” (laughs)
Misaki: But, once the performance started, every day was so much fun. That performance was full of so many different emotions.
Yuuma: It didn’t have anything to do with it being your last Flower Troupe show, since you didn’t have the time to think about that, did you?
Misaki: Not a bit. But on the last day it hit me, and when I thought ‘Oh, this is the end of my time in Flower Troupe…’ I started crying. Although for some reason Yuzuka (Rei) cried more than me (laughs). As I was saying “I’ve never cried this much before…” I went from having tears pouring down my cheeks to being able to laugh (laughs).
Yuuma: Of course you’d still laugh (laughs).
Misaki: Even though I was crying too, you [Yuzuka] crying even more than me was funny, was the thing (laughs). But since I really felt that it was my last show in Flower Troupe, it got mixed up with loneliness and doubt, so it was a really complex feeling.
Yuuma: I felt like you matured a lot when you went to Cosmos Troupe. Did you feel that you had to make sure you had it together?
Misaki: I think so. I thought ‘I’d better do this right.’ I really felt conscious of being watched, and it was my first troupe transfer, so I was thinking ‘Well, they probably don’t know that I’m actually such a weird person,’ (laughs) so I was really putting on a different personality. So at the start some of that was faked, and thinking back on it it was pretty stressful.
Yuuma: We really worried about you. When all of us from Flower Troupe would go to see your shows, or when we would get a glimpse of you in the dressing room after a performance we’d confirm ‘It’s ok, she’s alive, she’s laughing’ (laughs). And then when you went on National Tour with Melancholic Gigolo…
Misaki: The Niigata performance!
Yuuma: Four of us—Yuu (Matobu Sei), Eritan, Miwacchi (Aine Harei), and I—all went to see it together.
Misaki: Having all of you gorgeous people there was so exciting!
Yuuma: I was so happy that you were together with Maa-kun. When you crossed the Silver Bridge together in EXCITER and I thought about how you were both coming out as Top Stars, the feeling was like ‘Oh, your old dad’s gonna cry~’
Misaki: Dad (laughs). My bond with Maa-sama is really miraculous. I still think that all the time. I feel like something brought us together.
Yuuma: Your atmospheres really match. When you were with Ouki (Kaname)-san, you fit well with Ouki-san’s aura of nobility, and it was a really Takarazuka-esque feeling, but when you were with Maa-kun it seemed as if Mirion’s good qualities came out even more…and now in the middle of that you’re retiring, is how it feels (laughs).
Misaki: But then during Elisabeth we were able to meet again. I was so happy when they announced the cast members! I was like “It’s Marin-san!!!”
Yuuma: Every day when you would come over saying ‘Papa~’ it was so cute and I was so happy. During the wedding ball scene, it was as if my character’s feelings at his daughter being married, and my feelings at sending you off from flower Troupe, became linked. Although I was nervous since it was my first time with that troupe, Maa-kun and Mirion being there gave me strength. That was a big relief.
Misaki: It was a great relief to me too. I just love Marin-san’s personality. The way you can think positively about everything was a big encouragement to me.
Yuuma: During Elisabeth, even though I wanted to take the time to talk with you thoroughly, of course it was a really busy performance, so yet again I just got glimpses…I’d end up doing welfare checks– ‘Alright! She’s alive!’(laughs)
Misaki: You always check on me (laughs)
Yuuma: It would have been nice to do one more show together…
Misaki: It really would…
Yuuma: I was able to see your farewell recital, and it was so good! You were so dazzling and it made me think ‘retiring Takarasiennes are really glowing’. I’ve seen you at times where I thought ‘maybe she’s not happy about things right now’ but now you’re totally in high spirits. After I saw the performance, didn’t I say ‘you’ve become young again’? (laughs) You’re young already, but it felt like you had so much life force, or something…
Misaki: Hearing that makes me so happy. I’ve always been more quiet and reserved, so I end up being seen as older. I’m glad I could become young again at the end (laughs).
Yuuma: (laughs) Are you enjoying yourself right now?
Misaki: I think so. I think I just feel full of gratitude. In each and every scene I feel full of love towards the director and the choreographers.
Yuuma: Takarazuka is amazing, isn’t it.
Misaki: Everyone retiring would say that there is so much warmth, and now I’m feeling that for real, and every single day I’m performing full of gratitude for everything.
Yuuma: I think it would be good to see more of Mirion’s brash side in the Tokyo performance.
Misaki: Is it okay to show that on stage? (laughs)
Yuuma: You could stand to put in a little more.
Misaki: I’ve always ended up putting on airs a bit onstage.
Yuuma: The top-student side of you comes out.
Misaki: I think that’s always been an issue for me. Therefore, like you said, until the end I want to try and put something of my true self in.
Yuuma: To think little baby Mirion has grown up so wonderfully… I saw you keep on growing, and while I thought ‘you do your best’ actually I think I was the one impacted by that. And a lot of times that positivity of yours, and your brash laughter, really helped me as well.
Misaki: What, really!?
Yuuma: Therefore, until your last day, I think you should just be like that, and be yourself.
Misaki: Wah~ Yes!
Yuuma: I want you to enjoy Takarazuka and use your laughter, and your brightness, to envelop all of Cosmos Troupe, and the whole theatre. I think you can really do it!
Misaki: I’m going to fight till the end while enjoying myself and living life in Takarazuka to the fullest.
Yuuma: Yes, yes! Laugh your way through it! (laughs)
Misaki: Your final summation is ‘laugh your way through it!’ (laughs) Thank you so much!