Backstage Journal is a short Kageki feature where very young cast members write anecdotes about what’s going on behind the scenes of the productions. They’re not very deep, being full of emojis and more like blog entries than articles, but they are a good way to get to know the newest actresses in each troupe.
This one is by Snow Troupe member Agata Sen (of the 101 Class), and was published in the July 2017 issue.
Due to the nature of this feature there is the possibility of spoilers.
Backstage Journal: Agata Sen (Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate/Dramatic ‘S’!)
Dear Kageki readers, it’s an honor to meet you! I’m Agata Sen of Snow Troupe, writing a Backstage Journal for the first time! The current Grand Theatre show, The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate/Dramatic ’S’, is the farewell performance for Sagiri-san and Sakihi-san, and also the debut performance for the new class, so it’s a very high-energy production. I hope that I can convey at least a little bit of what it’s like backstage. I hope you will join me!
The new class members aren’t used to stage makeup yet, so they spend a lot of time putting it on. When I was a new debut, it took me over two hours to put my makeup on. Even now I take too long, come to think… During small gaps in the show, the senior actresses will watch the new class members putting their makeup on, and it’s wonderful to see them have such consideration for their juniors even while they’re so busy. We get better at makeup by a cycle of trying it out ourselves, and then getting advice. I have to work hard too!
~Buying on credit
During the play, in the festival scene where there are lots of different stands set up, Seika (Rian)-san and I are playing firefighter friends of Kin-chan (Hoshou Dai), so we’re there enjoying the festival. The firefighters normally spend their time gambling, so they don’t have any money. Then one day, why, Seika-san went and bought some candy from a sweets stand! When we exited into the wings and I asked her how she managed to buy it, she said with a huge smile “I put it on Kin-chan’s tab!” Now, does Kin-chan know about this, I wonder. And it seems that at the same time, the members of the Choushuu-han are buying things on Takasugi-san (Nozomi)’s credit… Takasugi-san doesn’t appear in the festival scene, but apparently she watches to see what the other Choushuu members are buying from the wings. Apparently Takasugi-san being so concerned was very cute.
During the middle ensemble number of the revue, where everyone is wearing pink, Sagiri-san comes up on stage through the lift, wearing feathers. During that part, my classmates Asato (Mire) and Mika (Monami) and other junior actresses are in the wings vigorously cheering her on. Whether it’s onstage or in the wings we just want to give Sagiri-san our power! Those are the “Bonds! Bonds!”1 of friendship that bind Snow Troupe together.
What did you think, everyone? This performance is filled with all kinds of ‘F-U-N’. However, the play isn’t just that, but within the comical scenes, the different people all affect one another and change. That has been happening with us, as well. Being able to work on a show with everyone in Snow Troupe right now, and experience the joy of completing its creation, makes me so happy. I’ll keep doing my best from now on so that I can keep bringing you dreams from onstage. Thank you so much for reading this all the way to the end!
1 – This is a troupe chant that was created during Sagiri Seina’s run as Top Star.