This cute talk feature between classmates Hanafusa Mari and Aran Kei was published in the February 1997 issue of GRAPH. At the time, Hanafusa Mari was Top Musumeyaku of Snow Troupe, and Aran Kei was still an up-and-coming otokoyaku (her first Bow Hall lead show, ICARUS, took place almost exactly a year after this was published).
Shall we TALK? – Hanafusa Mari and Aran Kei

Hanafusa: By this point, me and Touko (Aran) have shown all our good and bad points to each other. We don’t have anything to hide.
Aran: Yeah. If I’m worried about something I’ll go to Hana (Hanafusa) for advice right away, and Hana will ask me first too.
Hanafusa: It’s really reassuring to feel that you’ll definitely tell me the truth.
Aran: We can both trust each other.
Hanafusa: While now we’re really close like this, and we can share anything with each other, we weren’t always like that.
Aran: It’s not like we didn’t get on, we just didn’t interact much.
Hanafusa: When we were in music school, the friend groups we were in were different, so we didn’t talk that much. So it feels a little odd to be like this now.
Aran: It must have started when you transferred into Snow Troupe, Hana.
Hanafusa: Right. We became close really suddenly. There’s a reason for that, of course, but that’s a secret between us (laughs).
Aran: Yes (laughs).
Hanafusa: But I really feel thankful with all my heart that Touko was there.
Aran: Really?
Hanafusa: It’s like you understand without my having to say anything, you can figure out what my mental state is just by looking at me. If something good happened you’ll figure it out right away.
Aran: I’ll even call you with perfect timing (laughs). I’ve often called you about something totally unrelated and then say ‘Oh, was this good timing?’, right.
Hanafusa: Right. I’ll think, ‘Wow, you really knew the right time to call’ (laughs).
Aran: I wonder if we have some connection.
Hanafusa: Right.
Aran: I always want to tell Hana things I’m ashamed of since I want you to know them.
Hanafusa: You don’t like having things you can’t talk about. I’m honestly jealous of you sometimes, Touko.
Aran: I’m jealous of you sometimes too Hana! Your personality!
Hanafusa: (laughs) I’m jealous of your personality too, Touko. You’re so pure.
Aran: No, no, let me turn that right back on you (laughs).
Hanafusa: I know I trend towards being pure but if I was going to put it stylishly you’re ‘pure as the driven snow’.
Aran: (laughs)
Hanafusa: Your heart is clear. So if you get something right you can acknowledge it, but if you get something wrong, you can ask directly why it’s wrong. You don’t like doubting people, right?
Aran: Yeah, you’re right.
Hanafusa: You can come right out with that. You’ll say “I don’t like being suspicious of someone over a thing like that,” without any ill meaning at all. I’m jealous of that side of your personality. But then you’re also such a funny person, Touko (laughs).
Aran: I’ve loved making people laugh since I was little (laughs). When I started going to school, I’d practice while watching TV the night before so I could make people laugh more (laughs). I’d often think things like ‘this material will make everyone laugh!’ But lately I’ve calmed down a bit.
Hanafusa: (laughs)
Aran: The part of Hanafusa’s personality I’m jealous of is how you’re able to completely concentrate when you’re set on something. It seems like it might be a little dangerous at times (laughs), but it’s an aspect I don’t have, so.
Hanafusa: It seems like when I feel in my heart ‘This is what I want to do!’, I’ll keep that feeling no matter who disagrees with me. Although of course I’ll consult with someone about it (laughs).
Aran: Right, right. But I feel like I just can’t stick with my own conclusions that way. In my case, if someone says something to me I’ll think ‘oh, that could be right’, so I’ll keep changing what I think over and over.
Hanafusa: It does seem like once I think something in my heart, I can’t really change it.
Aran: I don’t think I have that. It’s not like I’ve seen all of your growth, Hana, but thinking of when you first came to Snow Troupe, you’ve really grown a lot since then. And it’s all achievements that you’ve gained through your own persistence, climbing over mountains in your way, I think. It makes me proud to be your classmate to see you accomplish all this, Hana.
Hanafusa: You’re really growing as an otokoyaku too, Touko, so I don’t have any worries about you. I keep thinking how nice it would be to watch a Bow Hall show starring Touko.
Aran: It would be nice if I could do that.
Hanafusa: I’ll come see the dress rehearsals, promise. No matter where I am I’ll come flying in (laughs).
Aran: Heck yeah! (laughs)
Hanafusa: If it’s for Touko I’ll row my way there.
Aran: (laughs).

Hanafusa: About Takarazuka, naturally I want to have a fully fulfilled life in Takarazuka, and I also want Touko to always be able to smile. I hate seeing Touko sad or hurt. So I hope you can always enjoy it.
Aran: I think you’re already approaching the point of completely mastering your craft as a Takarazuka musumeyaku.
Hanafusa: I still have so far to go! I’m always worrying about it so much.
Aran: But I think it’s good to worry about things; I can tell that you’ve grown because of how much you worry about things, Hana. I might say ‘what if you stopped worrying’ but watching you chasing after things and ussing that as your motivation for growth makes me think how much I can rely on you. When I think of the charismatic actress you’re going to become it makes me excited to see it.
Hanafusa: (laughs) This is changing the subject a bit, but remember how a while back Ichiro-san (Ichiro Maki) told us “when I see Hana and Touko together it’s like watching my past self with Yacchan (Kanna Miho)”? That made me really happy so it stayed in my heart.
Aran: I remember! I’m totally different from Ichiro-san so I said “What, really?” but she didn’t mean it that way, I guess the relationship between us right now resembles theirs.
Hanafusa: Somehow those words left a big impression with me. But I’m sure you will do fine, Touko. I hope you’ll still let me be with you all the time even when you leave Takarazuka one day.
Aran: Of course.
Hanafusa: I really want you to be happy, Touko. If you can have a happy life that’s enough for me (laughs).
Aran: We both want that, right.
Hanafusa: Right?
Aran: I hope we can stick with our decisions and be happy.
Hanafusa: I’m sure that knowing you, Touko, even when you’re a little old lady you’ll want to talk and laugh about our younger days together.
Aran: Definitely. I’ll be sitting on the porch saying “well, back then…” (laughs)
Hanafusa: Right, you’ll be just like that (laughs).
Aran: One day, probably (laughs).