Ashizawa Jin is an illustrator/columnist who seems to have worked for GRAPH since the 1960s (yes, you read that right). His interview column gets a new title every year but usually the format is fairly similar. The 2007 column was called Flowers Blooming, Dreams Blooming, and this interview with Aran Kei was published in the December issue.
Flowers Blooming, Dreams Blooming #11 – Aran Kei

Are you used to your position as Star Troupe’s Top Star?
I’m finally used to it now, but when I first was appointed to the position I didn’t have any idea how I should behave in the troupe as lead otokoyaku, so I wavered a bit. I think, even though everyone in the troupe was trying to help care for me, I didn’t really have it in me to just accept that.
Is there anything you’ve realized since becoming starring otokoyaku?
It feels even better than I imagined to stand at center stage in the Grand Theatre (laughs), and it feels so happy to have everyone else in the troupe welcoming me as I come down the stars in the parade. Though I feel the weight of responsibility at the same time, I feel deeply that it’s part of the duties of the star otokoyaku to bear that responsibility.
How did it feel when you encountered the Top Stars of other troupes in the TCA Special?
They’re all my dear friends who I’ve often shared scenes with in other events and things like that, so I was really happy to reunite with them after a long time. Realiing how they’re all carrying their own troupes with such dedication was really moving to me.
What sort of character is Tyrian Persimmon, who you play in El Halcon: The Falcon?
He’s a horrible villain, but the type of person where you’ll unknowingly be drawn in by his appeal. Since women often admire men who have a dangerous aura, you see. But though he’s a villain, I’m a Takarazuka otokoyaku through and through, I hope I can create beauty out of his ruthlessness. Director Saitou also wrote in episodes from Tyrian’s past that weren’t included in the original comic, so I think that though he’s wicked, perhaps the audience will still be able to sympathize with him.
Revue Orchis: The Star Named Orchis1 is the perfect title for you, isn’t it.
I’m really happy (laughs). For the tango scenes in this show, Oscar Araiz, a choreographer from tango’s home, Argentina, came to work with us. Though I’d been picturing ‘ultimate’ tango choreography, when we actually got the choreography I was a bit startled by how ballet-esque it was (laughs). But I’m sure the audience will enjoy that scene.
Your voice is so charismatic: what do you think of your voice personally?
I don’t care much for my normal speaking voice, but I don’t hate how I sing onstage and speak my dialogue (laughs). I’ve had a lot of people tell me “You should thank your parents for giving you that voice” (laughs).
In Le Rouge et le Noir in March of next year, you play Julien Sorel, correct?
I’ve loved this show ever since I watched the production Suzukaze Mayo starred in, so I was so happy to be given this revival production. I’ve written it in the ‘roles you want to play’ space in Takarazuka Otome forever (laughs), so I’m happy my dream is coming true.
What do you think are your acting partner Toono Asuka’s aspects of appeal as a performer?
I think that it’s how independent she appears onstage as her own performer. Though she might not look like that in normal life, at least when she’s on stage she looks so independent and put-together. She doesn’t just try to decorate the otokoyaku, she’s a performer who can make a scene complete just on her own.
What is the biggest luxury in your life?

It’s my personal effects like clothes and accessories. Since I’m in a position where I appear in front of people or have pictures taken of me often, of course I always want to look pretty.
If you suddenly had the day off tomorrow, what would you spend it doing?
I’d like to go shopping (laughs).
At what sort of times do you feel ‘oh, I’m actually feminine’?
Maybe at times when a bug scares me and I scream ‘Kya~!!” (laughs). I really can’t stand bugs.
Have you ever thought about your past lives?
I’ve thought about it myself, and I even had someone look into it. They told me that I was someone who sang songs in the Heian era and such (laughs).
If you were going to a Christmas costume party, what kind of costume would you wear?
I’d like to go in a huge hoopskirt dress (laughs). I’m used to otokoyaku costumes, so I’d like to wear a costume that I haven’t worn much before.
Have you ever purchased bromides of Takarazuka stars?
I have. The first one I bought was a bromide of Suzukaze Mayo-san in Le Rouge et le Noir. Although actually, the first Takarazuka merch I ever bought was an aluminum pin of Taira Michi in costume as Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind (laughs).
1 – The ‘orchid/Orchis’ kanji used in the Japanese title is the ‘ran’ half of ‘Aran’ (安蘭)