This photo and essay book was written by Moon Troupe Top Star Sena Jun and published during promotions for the 2008 show ME AND MY GIRL, where Top Musumeyaku Ayano Kanami retired. It’s very charming and occasionally emotional.
Some chapters are very short, or contain only pictures, and thus are combined.
The book also featured dual Japanese and English chapter titles, which were not always the same. Where these differ, both are included, with the translation of the Japanese title following in brackets. (For example, Chapter 8 is That time [The era of Asa and Osako])
009. I study it every day [Daily study]

When I was ken-9, during the run of Ludwig II/Asian Sunrise,
There was some kind of party at the Takarazuka Hotel.
As I was standing around spacing out, someone headed my way really energetically…Director X.
Did I do something? Is he going to get mad at me? (Is it something I even remember!?) I thought as he swept over.
Suddenly, he grasped my arm firmly and said this.
“You were great in the play!! I was so moved!!
But, you were no good in the revue…you don’t have any brilliance.
Listen, tomorrow, during the revue, look right into the lights the whole time you’re dancing, do your best!!”
I see, I don’t have any brilliance.
Starting the next day, I looked up into the highest light the whoooole time I was dancing.
At times I was glaring into the lights, at times I tried to let the light fall on the whites of my eyes.
I battled the lights!!
The lights that weren’t shining on me at all!! (LOL)
I looked at them too hard and ended up giving myself terrible shoulder stiffness from the eyestrain…
I constantly worked on my makeup too, trying to figure out how I could make myself brilliant.
I’d pointlessly change my makeup.
In any case, I adjusted my makeup a lot.
I kept studying every day…looking at it from every possible direction.
The way I wore my costumes, my dance style…etc.

During the Tokyo run of the next production, Michelangelo/VIVA!
I received a letter from Director X.
“I watched the performance. I was shocked by how much you’ve improved.
Please keep putting in the effort in the future.”
I was really happy.
Pointlessly changing my makeup hadn’t been so pointless after all.
And now, putting aside whether or not I have brilliance,
I’m fortunate to be able to say that I’ve been often called a ‘revue star’,
Which is the best possible present for the me of back then.
And the letter I received from that director is still one of my treasures.
