Relaxing Breeze (Fuwari) was a musumeyaku feature published in GRAPH, where an interview would take place at a cafe. It was focused on offstage topics such as how they destress or what they do on days off.
Hinami’s was published in the July 2016 issue.
Relaxing Breeze – Hinami Fuu

First, go ahead and order!
Since it’s a Hawaiian cafe, I at least want something that feels like it’s from the southern hemisphere, so guava juice! I love the southern hemisphere~. The fresh juices you can get there like guava or watermelon juice are so delicious! Oh, you know, yesterday, I told Michiko-san (Hokushou Kairi) “Tomorrow I’m going to a cafe for work,” and she said “What are you going to order? Guava juice!? You should do something cuter~” (laughs). But in the end I’m always drawn to pick the things that feel energizing (laughs). And then…maybe I’ll go with the dragon fruit bowl, that’s unique, and it kind of feels like it gives off energy (laughs).
Are you the type to pick things off a menu at first impression?
I don’t waver much, no. I decide right off. But sometimes once the waiter gets there, right before ordering I’ll be like “This actually!” (laughs).
Hinami-san, we heard that you were actually looking forward to this column…
That’s right. I saw Yuumi-chan’s (Sakihi’s) ‘Relaxing Breeze’ in the February issue, and I thought, my gosh, it was just too cute! With idols and such I really like gentle things, so just looking at it I felt healed. So I’m so happy today!
It’s a Hawaiian cafe this time, so how do you feel about that?
I’m happy (laughs). Somehow, right now, I just want to go to the southern hemisphere. I like summer way more than winter, you see. When it got warm my ‘I wanna go to the southern hemisphere’ mood grew even higher, so I was even thinking of redoing my room decorations in a southern hemisphere style. But I’ve never been to Hawaii…I want to go see what it’s like sometime.
What have you liked most of the southern countries you’ve visited so far?
Cebu Island, in the Philippines. When I was around ken-3, I went on vacation with my classmates Seo (Yuria) and Renju (Kouki), and it was so much fun! I’ve been to Bali and Guam as well, but in the Philippines I could feel more of the authentic southern hemisphere, and it was like it really suited me. And the way the food would come piled up on leaves was just the best (laughs).
Do you go to cafes on your days off?
Yes, I do. Nakazakicho in Umeda and places like that. There’s lots of places with a retro aesthetic, and serving coffee they put so much care into! When I want to relax I’ll take a book with me. Self-help books or business books (laughs). It’s not like I’m interested in management, but the management policies of oriental countrie sare interesting. Even when I’m busy, I want to make time like that so I’ll force it in. I love cake, so I won’t order drinks, just two cakes, and sometimes seconds (laughs). I especially like shortcake. I like whipped cream more than tarts and things.
Do you go by yourself?
I’m perfectly fine anywhere, all by myself. Once I even thought I just had to eat French food and went to have a full-course French meal that night. It’s hard to describe how it feels waiting all by myself (laughs), but, well, I think about all kinds of things. It’s not like I don’t have friends (laughs), it just pops into my mind ‘I want to eat right now!’. I don’t go to fancy cafes with my classmates that much, but once Seo and I got really into this cafe in Koenji1, so we went every week. The cafe was the birthplace of Mori Girl style, and it’s so cute. Both of us would keep saying “Wow, this place is too cute!” and such (laughs).

[The pitaya bowl and guava juice arrive]
It’s here! It’s so cute~ (seeing the cameraman taking pictures) I kinda…want to take photos too, now (laughs). Time to ea~t! It’s so delicious!! Since I was wanting to go to the southern hemisphere I’m soooo happy right now. Acai bowls and pitaya bowls and such are in right now, but I haven’t had much opportunity to eat them. The yogurt makes it really tasty. It’s so appealing. Yeah, girls would definitely love this (laughs). And I’m having it for work…are you sure this is okay!? (laughs) Somehow I just can’t calm down (laughs). To tell you the truth, I’m not very good at being entertained. The other day I thought I would celebrate my birthday with everyone, but then everyone was telling me ‘happy birthday’, you know, so I was like no, you don’t have to do that, and I just started blushing… I’m better at being the one doing the entertaining. I’m not good at being complimented either, I just feel like, ‘no, no, you don’t need to say stuff like that’ (laughs).

What are the main points of your fashion today?
This pin brooch was made for me by my classmate Mai Hinano and Michiko-san, working together. Even the jello-like inside is all hand made. I thought it would go well with today’s outfit so I wore it. Normally I wear a lot of dresses for photo shoots, but since today is supposed to be styled like a day off… On days off I often wear monotones and then put on bold accessories. For clothes, I prefer things with a silhouette that’s pulled in somewhere, rather than things that are loose all over. Since it’s for the July issue I went with a sleeveless top, and though I really wanted to wear short boots with this skirt, I didn’t have anything just right so I tried these black high heels. My shopping ends in a flash (laughs). This, this, this! The moment I have it in hand I try it on, and by the time the shop staff person asks “Do you need help?” I’ll be like “I’m already finished so I’m fine~ I’d like to purchase this and this, please” (laughs).
How do you spend your days off?
I get up early. I do laundry and stuff, go to vocal and dance lessons, and then I go to get a massage or Seitai treatment2, visit a hair or nail salon, and the day will be over, that’s how it goes. In the gaps of that, to change up my mood I’ll go to a cafe or buy tons of Hawaiian goods or DVDs, that kind of thing (laughs). I like looking at makeup, too. Unusual eyeshadows or lipsticks, or colors that I could never use as a musumeyaku; it’s so fun just to look at them. Even when I’m tired, I never let myself just sleep all day. When I get home from rehearsal or something thinking ‘I’m so tired~’ my routine is to take a nice bath and then go to bed and sleep right away, and then, Good Morning! (laughs) But, though people tell me a lot I’m an active person, when I listen to Michiko-san, her activities are planned out practically to the minute, so I feel like I have a long way to go (laughs).
How do you relax on a day off?
If you put it like that, it kind of makes me feel like I spend my days off in boring ways (laughs). I wonder what… If I had to say, it’s watching Disney movies or Takarazuka on DVD. I love Julie Andrews, so I watch Mary Poppins a lot. When I want to cheer up, Sound of Music! It’s so nice. As for Disney movies, Cinderella, I like the animated one better than the live action version. I think that among the Princesses, Cinderella has the most determination (laughs). Also, before going to bed on a day off, I like doing something that connects to the next day. I’ll watch things for research related to the performance, or watch Michiko-san’s DVDs.
If you had several days off, where would you like to do?
If I had a week, I’d like to go to the southern hemisphere. I’d like to try going to Hawaii or Thailand. I really love Thai food. Also, I keep telling my classmates and friends ‘let’s go out to eat sometime!’ but I can never really go, so I’d like to make that a reality.
1 – From the description she is almost certainly referring to HATTIFNATT.
2 – A Japanese medical massage therapy.