This photo and essay book was written by Moon Troupe Top Star Sena Jun and published during promotions for the 2008 show ME AND MY GIRL, where Top Musumeyaku Ayano Kanami retired. It’s very charming and occasionally emotional.
Some chapters are very short, or contain only pictures, and thus are combined.
The book also featured dual Japanese and English chapter titles, which were not always the same. Where these differ, both are included, with the translation of the Japanese title following in brackets. (For example, Chapter 8 is That time [The era of Asa and Osako])
016. Accident! [The Socks Affair]

My dandy boy, Boo, made his first appearance in this photo and essay book1.
He’s such a little rascal.

One day during a Tokyo production, I was in a car on the way home,
With Boo wearing non-slip socks.
And when we got home, he wasn’t wearing the socks.
He must have pulled them off and left them in the car…I thought.
But they weren’t there! I couldn’t find the socks anywhere!
…Did he eat them?
Yes, he ate them.
After that there was a huge commotion, I called the vet, and the next day I brought him in…
“In the worst case, we may have to cut open his stomach.”
What, seppuku2!?
He was hospitalized right away.
They gave him laxatives and waited for [the socks] to emerge from his butt.
But with Boo, nothing really comes out if he isn’t being walked.
I rushed over after the performance and took him on a walk.
Nothing came oooout~
It felt too pitiful leaving him hospitalized, and anyway, since I felt like if he could just walk a little bit more they might come out, I decided to take him home.
I promised to bring him straight to the hospital if anything happened.
We went back home and went on a walk.
It seemed like he did something.
Hm? There they are!!
The two now ve~ry thin and long socks finally exited his butt!!
What a day…thank goodness 💦
I have two friends who can talk to dogs.
I told one of them about this “Socks Affair” and got them to ask Boo why exactly he ate the socks (laughs).
…They really had a conversation as they stared into each other’s eyes…
Friend: So basically, it seems like he was happy to be going home, and as he was frolicking he pulled the socks off, so when he started playing with them he ate them accidentally…just gulped them down.
Boo: …
Me: …
Friend: But he didn’t think it would end up as such a big deal, and at the animal hospital people were saying ‘Why would you eat something like that’, ‘You’ll eat anything, won’t you’, so it seems like he was reeeeeally embarrassed.
Me: …
Friend: So he says he won’t eat them again.
Boo: ✨✨✨

At the time I thought, could this be true?
But according to the friend who went with him to the hospital—since I couldn’t go myself due to the performance—the doctor at the animal hospital kept saying “Why would he eat a pair of socks?” and on top of that they had to listen for aaaaages to the doctor talking about how “French Bulldogs will just eat anything.”
Ever since then, if I bring up the time he ate a pair of socks,
No matter how soundly Buu is sleeping, or how happily he’s playing with a toy, he’ll come over looking ashamed and press his paws against me as if to say “Please stop, please stop~ ✨”
…He’s too cute.
1 – See chapter 2.
2 – Shogunate-era method of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment.
017. Photograph [exclusive photographs]
(Photos only; a few examples are included here.)