This photo and essay book was written by Moon Troupe Top Star Sena Jun and published during promotions for the 2008 show ME AND MY GIRL, where Top Musumeyaku Ayano Kanami retired. It’s very charming and occasionally emotional.
Some chapters are very short, or contain only pictures, and thus are combined.
The book also featured dual Japanese and English chapter titles, which were not always the same. Where these differ, both are included, with the translation of the Japanese title following in brackets. (For example, Chapter 8 is That time [The era of Asa and Osako])
018. Booo

Boo always sits on my legs.
Even while I’m writing this manuscript…he’s here.
And because he weighs 11.5kg, my legs fall asleep.
Boo sleeps using my arm as a pillow.
His snores are incredible…
So of course my arm falls asleep.
Boo sleeps in the middle of the bed.
Even though I chose a big bed specifically because of Boo,
I sleep on the very edge of that big bed.
Boo’s favorite food is fruit. Especially apples.
I call it ‘apple-itis’.
When Boo first arrived at my house, he was so tiny, so delicate,
That when I took him on walks, people would ask me “Is that a chihuahua?”
That’s impossible to imagine now.
The first time Boo met Hiromu’s dog Finch,
It was at Finch’s 3rd birthday party, and Finch was wearing a costume of Prince Naka-no-Ooe.
He came bounding over with incredible vigor.
Such intensity that even us humans were bowled over by it.
At that moment, Boo was so frightened that as he was in my arms he did a little Number One and Number Two.
That’s Finch-san for you.
For some reason, Boo really likes that ‘super salaryman’ I told you about earlier.
About as much as his beloved apples.
Boo and Ayano-senpai are two of a kind.
Boo allllllways follows me around.
Alllll the time, even when I’m on the toilet or in the bath.
He’s my biggest stalker.
Boo is seen by Kiryuu Sonoka as her rival.
When Ms. Kiryuu learned that I was living with Boo, she was angry.
“Even though you already have me as a pet!”
That was two years ago now.
Ms. Kiryuu calls Boo ‘that dog’.
And she’ll always say ‘that dog…is scary.’
Yes, Ms. Kiryuu is scared of dogs.
You can’t assume things from appearances.
Once, Ms. Kiryuu’s squirrel Shinsuke nearly got eaten by Finch.
I’ll never forget her face on the verge of crying that day.

Whoops, somehow I ended up switching from talking about Boo to talking about Sonoka…
Basically, Boo is cute.
Yes, I’m a doting parent…what about it?