ESPECIAL TIME was a long-running invitation talk feature in GRAPH, where one sienne is given the opportunity to invite someone else.
Tsukishiro Kanato’s feature, where she invited Yuzuka Rei, was published in the December 2018 issue.
Some of the outtake photos from the back of the magazine are also included.
ESPECIAL TIME: As you like it – Tsukishiro Kanato and Yuzuka Rei

Tsukishiro: When they told me about this feature, I couldn’t think of anyone else for my guest except Rei (Yuzuka).
Yuzuka: (spreading her arms wide) Wow~ I’m so happy!
Tsukishiro: It’s not like I’m always with you or anything, but somehow I kind of feel a connection. Even when we’re in separate locations, like Tokyo and Takarazuka, I’ll randomly think ‘Oh, I wonder if she’s ok?’, that kind of thing. But this is my first time having this kind of proper discussion so I’m a little…
Yuzuka: (laughs) You’re a little nervous, right.
Tsukishiro: I’m a bit nervous, but I hope to use this opportunity to bring our relationship into the open (laughs).
Yuzuka: When I was first asked about this, I replied instantly, “It would be my pleasure!” (laughs) I was just so happy!
Tsukishiro: Thank you (laughs). While we were in the Music School, neither of us were the type to just go along with the crowd, right. But really that’s just because we couldn’t really fit in so easily with such a vigorous group (laughs).
Yuzuka: Right. They were definitely intense (laughs).
Tsukishiro: But I still really remember seeing you smiling in the distance (laughs).
Yuzuka: (laughs)

Tsukishiro: Rei, you’re the only girl among a lot of brothers, and I’m an only child. So I think when we were living in a group environment of only girls, we didn’t really know what to do.
Yuzuka: Right. At the start I was scared of the big group of girls (laughs). And then the Kansai dialect.
Tsukishiro: Right, right!
Yuzuka: The way people communicated with each other was compared to what I’d experienced up until then, all at much closer up, and things like how touchy-feely people were gave me culture shock (laughs).
Tsukishiro: For sure. I went to an all girl’s school, but it didn’t have that kind of atmosphere either. But at the time I was also really young, so though when I saw Rei I’d be thinking “She must be thinking about all kinds of stuff” I couldn’t make myself take the first step. I think that’s why I don’t really have any memories of us together in the Music School. But after we entered the Revue, when we talked after some years had passed, I was like ‘Huh?’ I realized ‘Oh, we kind of have some aspects in common?’
Yuzuka: Yeah. Of course people are always happy to run into any classmate in the company, but Usshii (Tsukishiro) had a bit different volume of happiness. How come? I think maybe you could sense that some core part was the same as you.
Tsukishiro: Yeah, yeah. It’s not just a casual feeling of ‘Oh~ Long time no see!’, right. I’ve thought ever since we were in the Music School that you were really considerate of those around you, but also that you have both a sensitive self and a strong self inside of you. Your sensitive self makes sure not to cause harm to others, but your strong self will make firm decisions about what it is that you need personally. Our personalities and character types are totally different, but I think maybe we have this in common.
Yuzuka: Definitely. But it’s not like we’ve talked a lot about ‘We resemble each other this way’: this is our first time talking about it, I think. It’s amazing that we both realized these things at the same time without saying anything to each other.
Tsukishiro: Was it when we were around Ken-5?
Yuzuka: Yeah. I thought, oh, her core way of seeing things and dealing with them is the same as me, and it was reassuring.
Tsukishiro: Right now it’s not like we’re in regular contact, but we’re always on each other’s minds, and generally we know what situation the other is in.
Yuzuka: Just from slight expressions and such.
Tsukishiro: But it’s not like we get deeply into it at those times. It’s not like “Oh, what’s the matter!?”, but “Oh, we all go through times like that”, and give each other space. We don’t do weirdly unnecessary encouragement.
Yuzuka: We’ve really never done that once, no “It’s ok, do your best,” or anything like that (laughs).
Tsukishiro: Maybe it’s because neither of us want that (laughs). As our year levels have gone up, there are fewer people to give us advice, and even if we’re told ‘like this’, we still have to think about how to proceed from that by ourselves. But I think I’d like to be able to come to Rei at times like that and hear your honest opinion. Since you wouldn’t just give encouragement, but would state your concrete opinions and potential solutions honestly.
Yuzuka: I’m so happy to hear you say that. When I’m talking to Usshii, I also feel like I’m going back to my roots. It’s strange.
Tsukishiro: It’s a really unique feeling.
Tsukishiro: Come to think, we went out to eat together, right! I was so happy when Rei invited me!
Yuzuka: I was like, ‘Are you free?’ (laughs). Even though the two of us really need a lot of courage to ask somebody out (laughs).
Tsukishiro: Right right right right (laughs).
Both: (burst out laughing)

Tsukishiro: When meeting someone for the first time in a long time, at first I’m a bit shy and keep blushing, but with Rei even when we’re not talking it feels comfortable, even if I just silently stare at the TV for a while you’re totally fine with it (laughs).
Yuzuka: Even though we don’t meet up frequently at all, it feels as natural as if we watch TV together 3 times a week (laughs).
Tsukishiro: I think you don’t meet such an understanding person very often. I don’t have any siblings, but I think ‘if I did, would it feel like this?’
Yuzuka: Right, right, I get it. ‘If I had a big sister would it feel like this?’
Tsukishiro: But since we’ve gotten closer as we grew up together, in the future we’ll definitely…
Yuzuka: Once we’re little old ladies it might be really something!
Tsukishiro: We might be able to understand everything without even exchanging a word, something like that (laughs).
Yuzuka: (laughs)
Yuzuka: (raises hand) Alright! I love Usshii’s acting.
Tsukishiro: Huh, no, no…
Yuzuka: Stage performance is something where of course your personaility will come out, and I think a lot of the time it will be your whole heart, but I feel like Usshii is really prudent, or you you’re able to look at things carefully from many different angles. And on top of that you have an expansive feeling, but you aren’t in the habit of interfering too much or being pushy…I like it. Especially in Japanese-style shows, I’m really struck by your sensitivity as a Japanese person, and the way it hits emotionally is totally different. Also, I really like the way you use the sound when you’re breaking into or ending a song.
Tsukishiro: Wow~ I haven’t thought about that.
Yuzuka: It’s like you fills the whole space. No matter where you are on stage. That’s so impactful.
Tsukishiro: Actually, when I’m the only one on stage, times like that, I’ll think “Today I’ll think of myself as Yuzuka Rei.”
Yuzuka: (bursts out laughing)
Tsukishiro: No, for real??
Yuzuka: Alright then, next time I’m singing I’ll try thinking of myself as Tsukishiro Kanato (laughs).
Tsukishiro: Rei, you’re so charismatic, and I think your ability to draw people to you is amazing. That’s something I really respect about you. When I’m reaching my hand out to someone, or doing other simple movements like that, I’ll often end up thinking ‘If I was Rei how would I do this?’. In FOR THE PEOPLE, you, playing Fredrick Douglass, just standing in the center of the stage and spreading your arms wide, is still imprinted in my memory. I was so struck by the power you had to put the whole audience on the edge of their seats with just one movement.
Yuzuka: Oh, that, you told me that after you saw the show, right. You were like, “The heck was that!?” (laughs). Hearing your viewpoint was really motivating, I think. I feel like there were a lot of easier to understand aspects in my presentation of the character, but I remember thinking Tsukishiro-san was really amazing to be able to sense even the less obvious things.
Tsukishiro: No no, it was amazing what you were doing!
Yuzuka: I wasn’t thinking about anything (laughs).
Tsukishiro: It’s that I can’t tell whether you were considering or not considering something that I like!! I think the appeal comes from how it’s all by intuition, nothing is calculated.
Yuzuka: (bursts out laughing) That’s embarrassing~ But I’m happy (laughs).
Tsukishiro: I think, if I hadn’t entered Takarazuka, I would have become one of Rei’s fans.
Yuzuka: Huh!?!? (laughs)
Tsukishiro: What is it… Your heart’s generosity and freedom appear so appealing. But I think because of that there must have been a lot of times when you’ve bene hurt. But I think including that aspect of risk is the wonderful thing.
Yuzuka: Usshii, you were so cool even in the Music School!
Tsukishiro: No, that was you.
Yuzuka: No, I was just agape at everything (laughs). And I was pushed to the limit to keep up with everyone. But Usshii’s voice was super cool, so I’d think ‘this is the kind of person called an “otokoyaku”‘ while watching you (laughs).
Tsukishiro: (laughs) After I entered the company, I started to think ‘What happened to that girl!?’ You suddenly became so manly, it was like “Where on earth was she hiding all that sexiness!?” But I also had the feeling that maybe it was something you’d been born with.
Yuzuka: In the Music School I was basically just confronting and dealing with the issues right in front of me. I was dainty, so I would have been happy with either musumeyaku or otokoyaku, but once I decided I was going to be an otokoyaku, I thought I didn’t want people to say ‘she’s so androgynous’. So while I was a junior actress, there was a time when I was trying to wipe out all the girly elements within me. As I was thinking ‘I’ll be a man!’ somehow gradually even my shoulders grew broader (laughs). But, Usshii was just cool the whole time, for sure.
Tsukishiro: No, I was just spacing out, always.
Yuzuka: That ‘spacing out’, from the outside, looked like ‘calm’, I guess. You had your own time, your own space, so even if everyone around you was in an uproar you felt like a steady older sister.
Tsukishiro: I didn’t feel like that, I was just thinking “Ah, I can’t fit in” and spacing out all the time (laughs). But even as your year level has increased, your heart hasn’t changed a bit. You’re so cool but you still worry about your performances a ton.
Yuzuka: (laughs)
Tsukishiro: And that comes out right away. Though that’s something we have in common (laughs).
Yuzuka: Right, that’s another point we share (laughs). What we’re thinking or the state we’re in at the time comes out at once (laughs).
Tsukishiro: I really love how you take the stage while competing with yourself every day. Even though you’re so blessed, you don’t seem very conscious of it yourself, and that’s also really likeable (laughs).
Yuzuka: See, my eyes focus first on the things I can’t do.
Tsukishiro: That’s definitely true.
Tsukishiro: Having such an in-depth conversation is making me blush a bit (laughs).
Yuzuka: Right, I’m blushing (laughs). But even though this is the first time we’ve had such a long talk, I was able to confirm things that even though I hadn’t asked I’d just felt somehow, ‘oh, it IS that’ (laughs). It’s not like “So that’s now you saw me!?” but “That’s exactly it 💖”, sort of.
Tsukishiro: In the future we’re both going to have things we must overcome, but even as we confront those things by ourselves, when we happen to run into each other we’ll be able to sympathize with each other’s feelings, and I’m sure this relationship will remain. Right now we’re in a situation where we’re both extremely busy, and every day is a battle, and I look forward to seeing what we’ll both be like when that isn’t the case.
Yuzuka: I wonder what that will be like…
Tsukishiro: But it isn’t as if I can’t picture it, rather I’m excited.
Yuzuka: For sure. And I’m grateful for the realization that even if we weren’t classmates you’d still like to be together.
Tsukishiro: Totally. …Oh! Right! If there’s something you can’t talk about to other people, or something you just can’t handle, I’d love for you to tell me!
Yuzuka: Got it! I’m bad at stuff like asking for help with my worries, but when I really can’t do something I’ll come to you for help. And in exchange, you tell me too, Usshii.
Tsukishiro: Yeah. I’ll tell you! Thank you so much for today!
Yuzuka: No, thank you so much!