Salut! was a 2019 GRAPH feature interviewing young performers. Ren’s was published in March.
An outtake image from the back of the magazine is included.
Salut! – Rukaze Hikaru (Cosmos Troupe)

Please start by introducing yourself!
I’m Rukaze Hikaru! My nickname is ‘Moeko’, and I have A-type blood. My personality is…totally different now to before I entered Takarazuka. Way back, I used to be full of curiosity and really active. So I’d play catch with my father on weekends! Like a little boy (laughs). But when I entered the Music School, the first thing I thought was ‘Wow, I’ve come to a place with so many incredible people’. I felt ‘If I don’t work harder I’ll be a failure…’ so a little bit of a shadow came over me. And after joining he company, even though I was lucky enough to get roles in junior performances, I just hated my own inabilities. Thinking about it now, I wish I could have brought out more of how I was as a kid…is my regret (laughs). But this time, as I have the opportunity to play the lead role in my final junior performances, I hope that I can demonstrate to the junior actresses that ‘Rukaze Hikaru is this kind of senior actress!’ Though I think it might be a battle with my own personality too (laughs).
So do you still feel like you haven’t broken out of your shell?
The senior actresses will also tell me “You ought to break out of your shell a bit more,” but I don’t know how to break it… That’s my biggest issue right now.
Do the people around you see you as quiet?
I guess I don’t come off as carefree. My classmates in Cosmos Troupe all have strong personalities, so I’m in a position where I have to unify them…is how I think of it, so I’ve settled into that role (laughs).
What was your original motivation for entering Takarazuka?
In 2006 I saw Phantom, starring Haruno Sumire, and ping! it clicked instantly. And I was also motivated to try out since I don’t like studying academically (laughs). The other day I saw Snow Troupe’s Phantom, and I was so moved! It was my first time watching a Snow Troupe show live since my classmate Maaya (Kiho) was appointed Top Musumeyaku, and my own memories of ‘I first felt I wanted to join Takarazuka when I watched this show!’ ended up coming out on top of that so I just sobbed (laughs).
By the way, in Takarazuka Otome, under ‘Favorite Food’, you wrote ‘Koikeya Sgorn’1…
Ahaha (laughs). Even though I think they’re bad for my body I love snack foods, and among those Sgorn has a great texture and is amazingly filling! …what the heck am I saying here (laughs). My classmate Haruha (Rara) also likes snacks so we eat them together a lot.

Is there anything else you’re into?
Recently I was given a Yogibo bead sofa2 that fits to the body. I’m laying on it the whole time I’m at home (laughs). Watching TV, practicing my lines, singing…I do everything there.
After you graduate from junior performances, is there anything you want to challenge yourself with offstage?
I want to get my driver’s license, and I’d like to go to New York. In the WEST SIDE STORY rehearsals, the energy coming off of Choreographer Joshua Bergasse was so impressive, so I’d love to experience that same atmosphere in its natural habitat. …Though I don’t know if I’d be able to handle such a long flight or not (laughs).
You like staying in your house, don’t you.
I do~ But recently, I went on my first trip abroad since joining Takarazuka. I went to Guam. At that time I was thinking “I have to breathe the fresh air!” I get motion sickness so I’m bad with airplanes, but from now on I’d like to gradually go different places… But I also suffered travelling between stops on National Tours, so I think long trips are out (laughs).
Finally, give us some self-promotion!
Since I put Hikaru [輝, ‘glitter’] in my stage name, I want to get more and more dazzling so I don’t shame that name. I hope I can become an otokoyaku who makes people experience a shine different from the rest… Also, I admire people who have a ‘gap’ between their stage persona and offstage self, so from now on I want to show my appeal by being more myself!