This 2010 Kageki feature introduces young performers and has them talk about recent events in their lives. The May issue features Seto Kazuya, Shimon Yuriya, Sumireno Rei, and Ayakaze Sakina.
FRESH FRESH 2010! – May

Seto Kazuya, Flower Troupe
Birthday: December 17
Debut: Susano’o, 2004
Hometown: Edogawa Ward of Tokyo
Height: 172 centimeters
Nickname: Akira
Tell us about your hometown
It’s towards the border between Chiba and Tokyo, and I can see Disneyland from my house. There’s a street called Sakura-doori nearby, and every year when the cherry blossoms start blooming so beautifully on Takarazuka’s Road of Flowers, I remember the cherry blossom tunnel there.
What’s something that moved you recently?
Our junior performance curtain call. Finally, what we’d been pursuing so long was over, so I felt instantly calm, but then the curtain went back up…the audience’s applause and smiles were so warm, and it was an indescribable feeling.
What’s something you’re into recently?
I haven’t been able to go recently, but I’ve always loved Okinawa. I like showing everyone around in my car (laughs).
Even though it’s in Japan, it’s a bit different, that unusual atmosphere is so attractive.
Something you are working on as a Takarazuka performer
I want to be a cool otokoyaku, so in my heart I’m focusing on the aesthetics of an otokoyaku at all times.
Your catchphrase
I want to be a manly, sexy otokoyaku, so for 2010 my catchphrase is ‘Manliness!’ (laughs).
Your future ambitions
The heart is so important for everything about performing on stage, so I’m making sure to treasure each and every performance, and I’m sure it will get through to the audience.
Also, no matter what role I am given, it’s a new challenge for me, so I want to always be positive, accept each role with a dedication to learning, and enjoy creating my performance with all my heart.

Shimon Yuriya, Moon Troupe
Birthday: December 28
Debut: Enter the Revue, 2005
Hometown: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Height: 171 centimeters
Nickname: Shimon, Yuri
Tell us about your hometown
I’m from Nagoya. It’s not too city, or too country, and there’s a lot of greenery there. Its atmosphere feels a lot like Takarazuka. My house was on the top of a mountain, so it was rough to make it up there (laughs).
What’s something you’re into recently?
French history. I’ve always liked it and wanted to learn more about it. In rehearsals for THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, I had the opportunity to research the French Revolution more, so being able to learn about it in depth was a lot of fun.
A DVD you watched recently
I watched The Duchess. I love Keira Knightley, who stars in it. It’s a movie about British nobility, so I was also able to learn about the history. Another actor I really like is Johnny Depp, I watch everything he’s in (laughs).
Something you are working on as a Takarazuka performer
I’m focusing on existing as a Takarazuka otokoyaku. But since being an ‘otokoyaku’ is what I want to do, I don’t feel any sense of obligation about it.
Your catchphrase
‘Always keeping a sunny heart’
Your future ambitions
I want to keep being a suitable Takarazuka otokoyaku, and I want to be like the sun, making each and every moment shine. But first I want to overcome what’s right in front of me: I want to be able to act with my whole body and convey my emotions to the audience. I want to break down the walls around me so that I can do the things I picture in my mind.

Sumireno Rei, Cosmos Troupe
Birthday: May 20
Hometown: Suginami Ward of Tokyo
Height: 161 centimeters
Nickname: Reere, Rei
Tell us about your hometown
I’m from Tokyo’s Suginami Ward. It’s the furthest west of the 23 wards, and there’s a ton of greenery. There’s a Tanabata festival every year in the local shopping district, so all the the shops compete with each other, and I love going to see the huge decorations lining the shopping arcade.
What’s something that moved you recently?
I watched the Japanese film After the Flowers, and was so moved at the beautiful landscapes of the four seasons. Though the heroine knows what her destiny is, she still flees to find the secret desires in her heart. I felt keenly for her, and also was so struck by the elegance of Japanese women that I cried.
Something you’ve bought recently that you like
I bought a cute white Spring hat. For some reason when I bought it the shopkeeper made a strange face. After I bought it and went home I showed it to my twin sister (Ranno Hana) and she said “Oh!? I just bought the same thing in a different color!” (laughs).
Something you’re working on as a Takarazuka performer
I’m making sure I never forget that my role is to give others dreams, and my gratitude at having so many people supporting my performances on stage.
Your catchphrase
‘Modesty, Fairness, and Grace’. I’m always focusing on keeping a pure spirit, doing the right things, and learning to become beautiful.
Your future ambitions
I want to be a charismatic performer who can take on any color. Also, my goal as a Takarazuka musumeyaku is to be able to make the otokoyaku look even more wonderful by drawing close to them.

Ayakaze Sakina, Snow Troupe
Birthday: February 13
Debut: Secret Hunter, 2007
Hometown: Ozu, Ehime Prefecture
Height: 173 centimeters
Nickname: Saki, Pierrot
Tell us about your hometown
It’s full of nature, so much that the elementary school I went to was 3 minutes’ walk from the river, and my middle school had a mountain behind it. It feels like time flows more slowly there. It’s so refreshing whenever I can go back, so I’ll feel ‘Now I can give it my all again!’
What’s something you’re into recently?
Recently I’ve been wanting to eat more things that are good for me, so I’ve been thinking of how to organize what I eat and paying attention to lots of things. Also, instead of thinking ‘I might as well have something’, if you focus on eating what your body really needs, you get so much more energy.
A book you read recently
The Restaurant of Love Regained. It’s such a heartwarming story and has so much delicious sounding food in it (laughs), and at the very end it made me think ‘food is life’, so it’s stuck with me.
Your catchphrase
‘Always be honest’ when it comes to the stage. Sometimes I overthink the character I’m playing, so right now I’m working to make sure I don’t forget the earnest self within my heart.
Your future ambitions
It’s to ‘find my own style’. Although up until now I’ve been throwing myself into my performances with all I’ve got, when I watched Mizu playing the character I had in my junior performance, I feel like I started to see a little of what I should aim for. I don’t want to decide my own limits, I want to see how much I can do!