RANDOM was a Q&A/variety feature for young otokoyaku that ran in GRAPH in 2021. Amahana’s was published in the August issue.
RANDOM – Amahana Ema, Star Troupe

Investigating the reality of otokoyaku, one question at a time!
Tell us your hair care routine!
I have really thick and strong hair, so much that they tell me no matter how many times I bleach it it won’t break down. So a hair stylist told me instead of hair oil to use hair milk instead. It seems like with my hair type, it’s easier for the nourishment to get into the hair with milk rather than oil. Also, I put oil into my hair to protect it before using a hair iron.
Favorite school subject
Music, maybe. I always had 5’s in Music, Home Ec, PE, and English, and I always had good grades in Social Studies as well. On the other hand I really struggled with science. And I can’t do math at all. I don’t understand any of it. I’m just like, ‘sin, cosin, tangent? What are those?’ (laughs).

Grip strength
29.6kg (right)
It’s 10 kilos more than last time!
I’m so happy!
Your favorite fashion accessory
Wristwatches, I think. If I see a cute one I’ll buy it on the spot. I like changing them out based on my mood that day.

Tell us your morning routine!
I’m a morning person, so in the morning I wake up with a snap! and open all the curtains and windows in my room with a swoosh! to get some ventilation. Then I drink some hot water with lemon juice, wash my face with carbonated water, and every day except days off I also take a bath before I leave. Carbonated water has a cleansing effect, and the fizzy feeling is so nice. Although sometimes it stings, too (laughs).
Your favorite fragrance
I love scents, so I’ll always put something on before I go to sleep. I have one for my car too, that plugs into the lighter socket. I prefer invigorating scents like citrus and tea trea oil to sweet scents.
What do you always have in your refrigerator?
Milk. …and…green tea…and carbonated water (laughs). I’ve been drinking milk without fair since I was little. I always drink carbonated water before I get in the bath. And I like cold brewed green tea, so I make it myself. Rather than food, I have to have my beverages stored up or I can’t relax (laughs).
Can you whistle?
I can! I’ve loved it for ages, so much that since I loved Bill from ME AND MY GIRL I’d practice at home for hours!
Your favorite music
It varies depending on the time and the role I’m playing. When I’m playing a calm character I’ll listen to classical music, and when I played Mercutio in Romeo et Juliette I wanted to listen to rock music, so I listened to a lot of songs by Ado. The way she latches on to the music is so cool and I try to imitate it when I’m singing.
Your favorite flavor
The taste of my mom’s cooking! She has a culinary license, so she’s just amazing at cooking. Even if I try to make something myself it won’t end up tasting like my mom’s. My mom really is awesome, I’ll think.
Your ‘charm point’
The beauty mark by my mouth? I used to hate it, but after entering Takarazuka everybody keeps complimenting me about it. It’s become my identification symbol (laughs), and recently I’ve started to like it.

Are you good at winking?
I can do it in revues, but if I’m told ‘please wink now!’ it ends up really awkward. (Winks) Did I do it? Yay~!
Your ring size
Huh, I don’t knowwwww~. I have strong bones with thick knuckles, so I don’t wear rings a lot. But I did check my size once. When I played Percy in the junior cast of THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL (main cast: Kurenai Yuzuru), I went together with Arisa (Hitomi) who played Marguerite (main cast: Kisaki Airi) to buy rings for the wedding scene. Back then my left ring finger was probably size 11 or 13, I think…
Your memories of rockettes
I guess it’s got to be my debut. It’s our first and last performance all together as a class, and even though all we appeared in was the rockette, they spent so much time on it in rehearsals. Looking back on it now it was a really valuable time. But above the rockette, it’s the incidents surrounding it that really stand out in my memory (laughs). In the dress rehearsal I climbed the Grand Stairs for the very first time, and I fell beautifully all the way from the top to the bottom! I ended up with some bruises but somehow I was okay apart from that (laughs).
What does PE make you think of?
Huh!? PE? Basket…ball? Since my older sister did it. I never did anything except classical ballet, so the main image I have of PE is track and field sports. In ballet, I hated it when I couldn’t do something, so I’d get frustrated and cry a lot. That’s where I learned to hate losing.
Your smartphone lock and homescreen wallpaper
They’re both pictures of my niece. (Looking at her phone) She’s so cuuuuute~. You can barely see my homescreen wallpaper but it’s my niece~so cute~. Her name is Yume-chan. I call her Mechi. I’m such a besotted auntie, I bring her presents every time I see her (laughs).