ZUKA LIVE was an ‘advice show’ style column in GRAPH where readers could write in with questions for stars. Asami’s was published in the August 2021 issue.
(As with all reader features, there is the possibility that I missed some reference in the pen names.)
ZUKA LIVE – Asami Jun, Snow Troupe
The stars respond to readers’ questions and requests!

Q: Ever since I saw you on TV1 I’ve been interested in Takarazuka and finally had my live audience ‘debut’. So I’d like to know if there’s anything you’ve ‘debuted’ in recently, or something you’d like to ‘debut’. I’ll keep cheering you on. (Sechatan)
A: I’d like to do some for-real magic. I got to show off just a little bit in The Man Who Was Magic, and it was really fun and I feel like it would train my courage. One day I want to be able to announce to everyone that my ‘special talent’ is taking everyday items and transforming them instantly into a magic show that delights everyone!
Q: My voice is low and doesn’t carry well. I’m always stressed about it, and I have trouble speaking loudly. I dream of having a voice like Asami-san’s wonderful singing voice that carries so far into the theatre… Is there something you focus on when producing your voice? I’d be so happy to get some advice. (Shiro-Hyaku-Ai)
A: I also couldn’t do an otokoyaku voice at all when I was a junior actress. But now, I focus on letting it resonate in my head, and so I’m able to get my voice out without straining my throat. And I also find it important to massage before singing. If I’m straining weirdly anywhere my voice won’t come out right, so I try to loosen up my shoulders, my back, my collarbone, my arms, everything! (laughs)
Q: Your gaze is so powerful and I’m always absorbed with your beautiful eyes. I have a fairly strong gaze myself, but because of that, even though I don’t mean to at all, I keep giving people the impression that I’m ‘scary’. What kinds of things do you pay attention to in order to wield your gaze in such a beautiful, charming way? (Dryer Yukiko)
A: Eh~ I also get told I’m scary!! I’ve been hurt by that so many times (laughs). So I try and keep a smile as much as possible. But, you know, in reverse, when I’m having a serious think by myself I can use my eyes to put out an aura of ‘I’m dealing with something right now (so please leave me alone)’ so it’s not all bad (laughs). Also, even if you look scary on first glance, when people talk to you they’ll realize you’re not like that at all so maybe you can exploit that ‘cuteness gap’! (laughs)

Q: During these times you must have a lot of stress in your daily life, not to mention performances and rehearsals. What gives you healing so you find yourself unconsciously smiling? I get so much healing and energy from looking at photos and videos of you. (Yumi Usagi)
A: Actually, I got a dog last year! My pomeranian/maltese girl mix, Boo, heals me <3 When I heard that Saki-san (Ayakaze) got a pet I thought ‘Wah…wouldn’t that be nice…’, and I started out looking for a cat. But then one day I met Boo…I struggled over it, but after holding her over and over I was like ‘I can’t take this!’ and brought her home with me (laughs). We go on runs together, and when I go to bed she sleeps with my arm as her pillow all through the night, she’s just too cute <3
Q: Aasa, I’m from Kamakura too! I’m always bragging to people about you that you’re the pride of Kamakura. If you visited your hometown again is there anywhere you’d absolutely have to go? (Minmi)
A: It’s a little bit away from Kamakura, but I go to Ejima Shrine for my first temple visit of the year. The god of the arts, Benzaiten, is enshrined there, so I started going there the year I tried out for Takarazuka. So I think it’s thanks to the god of Ejima Shrine that I’m here now! I’d love to go there with Boo sometime~
Q: Please tell me any movies and books that make you cry~ I was reading When the Last Sword Is Drawn on the train and I couldn’t stop crying, it was a problem. (alua)
A: I’m always recommending this to everybody so you might be like ‘You’re still talking about this!?’ (laughs), but I cry every time I watch The Notebook. It’s about the lives of a married couple, and I’m totally drawn in from the opening scene where they’re both old and the husband reads the story to his wife who lost her memories. It has so many things that pull at the heartstrings, like their meeting, their love across class boundaries, their eternal romance…I love it.

Q: Asami-san, what is your favorite rice ball filling? (Umecchi)
A: Mustard greens! I like how mustard greens with wakame and things like that have such a refreshing feeling. I eat oatmeal for breakfast, but sometimes I’ll have rice balls for lunch. But actually, the company cafeteria doesn’t have mustard greens~. I’ll have to request it next time.

Q: I’m always looking forward to the minidrama in each episode of your Brilliant Dreams + NEXT! If there was any particular incident that made you decide you wanted to do a story about a fallen angel please tell me! (Someone who wants to become a regular at that bar)
A: I play the ‘Fallen Angel J’ who makes people smile in the minidrama for Takarazuka Sky Stage, but I actually settled on the concept after consulting with our producer. I wanted some kind of punchline at the end of each episode, so I’m forcing them to let me put in a scene of me playing the ukulele in every episode (laughs). The songs I play during filming are basic ones for beginners that I learned during the ‘stay home’ period. I would practice while watching easy-to-understand tutorial videos on YouTube.
Q: I’m so sad to have fewer chances to see you than before [COVID]. Could you give your fans some wonderful words that will hit them right in the heart <3 (Lord J’s Captive)
A: I hate the idea that not being able to see you all will become a normal part of life. I hope that the situation will get at least a bit better and I can go back to seeing everyone every day. But even when I can’t see you I feel so much love from your letters and the warm gazes when you come see me perform. I want to be able to return your love properly on stage, and I believe that we’ll surely be able to meet again like before one day…so let’s each take care of ourselves until then!
1 – Probably meaning one of Snow Troupe’s TV music festival appearances, not Sky Stage.