New Snow Troupe Top Star Special – Ayakaze Sakina (part 1)

This special GRAPH feature to commemorate Ayakaze Sakina’s ascension was published in September of 2021.

It is being posted in 2 parts due to length. The first part features statements from Ayakaze and new Top Musumeyaku Asazuki Kiwa, as well as a trio Q&A featuring Ayakaze, Asazuki, and Asami Jun.

Some outtake photos from the back of the magazine are included.

New Snow Troupe Top Star Special – Ayakaze Sakina

During rehearsals for my first show as Top Star, The Emblem of Venezia/Le Poison Again, all of the creative staff and the other Snow Troupe members helped to create an environment where I could focus, so I was able to proceed without being overly conscious of it as my Top Star debut. Of course there were things I was nervous about or stressed about, and I was moved to be able to wear the huge feathers. But since it was a new start for Takarazuka Revue national tours1, most of all I felt joy that we had safely arrived at our opening day.

Right now, all of the Snow Troupe members are rehearsing together for our Grand Theatre production, and it’s so fun the way everyone is taking off, from the seniors all the way down to the junior actresses. From now on, I want to convey what I’ve learned in Snow Troupe to my juniors, and try to create a troupe where everyone can flourish in performance freely and without distress.

Personally, I feel that even though my position is different, the way I take on each production won’t change. But I feel like I will need to believe in myself even more strongly than before… But I don’t want to let myself be constrained by that, so I want to seek support from those around me and take things on in a relaxed way. Right now we are still in uncertain circumstances, but through this national tour, I’ve been able to feel so much warmth from the audiences who have come to see us, as well as those who, even though they couldn’t come themselves, sent us their thoughts.

What we can do as performers is to care for our mental and physical health and keep going on stage. I’m going to keep doing my best, so that I can convey by gratitude to each and every one of you.

Ayakaze Sakina – to Kiwa-chan
I’m so grateful that we were fortuitously reunited through this mysterious turn of events…
As a pair of clumsy dorks I’m sure we’re going to end up on roundabout paths and run into walls we can’t climb over…
But no matter what, I will always respect and trust the musumeyaku “Asazuki Kiwa”.
“There isn’t just one CITY HUNTER. We’re both CITY HUNTERS!”
You’re the best most powerful partner I could ask for. I’m looking forward to it!

Asazuki Kiwa – to Saki-san
Saki-san, you will always keep pushing straight ahead.
I respect that so much about you.
I am so grateful to you for how you always accept me, and guide me even when I am wandering like a slow little tortoise.
I will give it my all to be able to stand firm on my own two feet and walk together with you. Please look after me.

Trio Questions!

Q1: If you could switch bodies with the other two people for 1 day, what would you do?

Q2: What animal would you compare them to?

Q3: Roles of theirs that stood out to you.

Q4: If you were all going out together, where would you go?

Ayakaze’s Answers

A1 – Asami: I’d just stare at myself in the mirror (laughs). Just enjoying her beautiful face and saying to myself “I’m Asami Jun now!”

A1 – Asazuki: I want to see how far of a backbend I could do. Her flexibility is so amazing.

A2 – Asami: A fennec. That fox-like, cat-like face resembles her, and they also look a little intimidating but are actually friendly, which is also a lot like Aasa (Asami).

A2 – Asazuki: An axolotl (laughs). Just drifting gently in the water until you turn and notice she’s there, that kind of concept (laughs).

A3 – Asami: I guess it has to be when she played my love interest Carol in ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA (laughs). I was able to get a good look at the subtle and direct facets to her performance, and that role let us get closer to each other. For otokoyaku rules, St-Just from A Passage Through the Light. I think it’s specifically because she’s so kind normally that she is able to express the inhumanity that swallows people up. I remember thinking she was so fascinating as an actor.

A3 – Asazuki: Gabrielle, also from A Passage Through the Light. It left an impact on me since it was our first time being partnered in a show. I think it must have been hard for her, since it’s a role that requires a lot of toughness, where sometimes she’s hitting my character of Danton. But without needing to talk over every little detail, she was naturally welling with determination and motherly feelings.

A4: When I watched The Man Who Was Magic it made me think I really wanted to go on a picnic (laughs). We’d have Kiwa-chan (Asazuki) do her best putting together box lunches, and me and Asami could take turns driving there and back. I’m bad at making plans, but I’m sure Aasa would research everything and make all the decisions. And I would be in charge of frolicking in the fields (laughs).

Asami’s Answers

A1 – Ayakaze: I’d like to see how many steps on the Grand Stairs I could cover with those long legs of her and then take pictures posing like that (laughs). Choreography usually only goes up to around 2, but I’m sure Saki could make it to around 6 with ease and look cool doing it!

A1 – Asazuki: She’s so flexible, so I’d like to experience what it’s like looking out into the audience seats from a backbend. I’m pretty stiff so I could never bend far enough to see the seats myself (laughs).

A2 – Ayakaze: A ferret (laughs). They’re so floppy and cute, but also they’re so quick and clever when they move. That difference is so fun. I think she resembles Gerard, her pet ferret in real life, a lot. They both have cute sparkling eyes (laughs).

A2 – Asazuki: A persian cat, maybe. She keeps telling me she wants to get one and showing me videos, so I started to think they resemble each other (laughs). But inside I think she’s more doglike.

A3 – Ayakaze: Everything, to be honest, but… ONCE left such an impression on me that I’ve already talked about it everywhere way too much, so Captain Nemo from CAPTAIN NEMO! It was my first time appearing in a Snow Troupe production since transferring troupes. Her presence as the Captain was so impactful, and it felt like she could stand in the center of the stage all by herself and alter the whole atmosphere without even doing anything. “Saki-san is so incredible…!” I thought. Both as a person and as an actor, Saki-san has had such an effect on me.

A3 – Asazuki: The Pink Cat, when she danced with Saki-san in Gato Bonito!!. Her hair, her costume, her makeup, her whole aura was just too cute. I’d felt like she tended to get mature roles, but I realized then that cheerful cute roles suit her really well too.

A4: Right now I’m completely absorbed in the world of CITY HUNTER, so, Shinjuku (laughs). There are a lot of real buildings that get mentioned in it, so I want to tour the area connected with it. I want to dress up and take photos like a cosplayer (laughs).

Asazuki’s Answers

A1 – Ayakaze: I want to experiment with Saki’s long legs (laughs)! I can’t imagine what it would be like to dance with legs that long… It must be completely different just walking.

A1 – Asami: I want to try attacking everyone with cool pickup lines like “I’m head over heels for you” (laughs). I could never say anything like that how I am now!

A2 – Ayakaze: Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a ferret (laughs). The quick nimble movements and the way they’ll sometimes make such adorable faces is just like the Saki-san everyone loves.

A2 – Asami: A long-haired cat. They’re so cute that sometimes you find yourself just wanting to reach out to them, but they’re still majestic and cool. That kind of atmosphere is just like Asami-san, since she is so attractive in so many different ways.

A3 – Ayakaze: Saito Hajime in Ruroni Kenshin. I was watching from the audience, and I was so surprised with how incredibly he reproduced him, it was just like he had jumped out of the comic. At that time, I still hadn’t had many opportunities to talk to her, but I remember from my viewpoint being really impressed that Ayakaze-san could be so charismatic in roles like that.

A3 – Asami: St-Just, from the first show we appeared in together, A Passage Through the Light. The first time I saw her in rehearsal I kept thinking about how shocking her acting was. Even though she had just transferred troupes, she was able to act at that level without any fear: even now I keep remembering how amazing she felt.

A4: The beach! Somehow both of them seem like they’d fit in at the beach. They both know a lot about different things and are really active, so I think it would be really fun to go together. Also I want to watch them driving next to the shore (laughs). They’d be so cool, for sure!! It would be too presumptions of me to try and ride with them, so I’d like to watch from the outside (laughs).

Outtake Photos

The new Snow Troupe is flying to new heights!!
Saki-chan (Sakina) couldn’t make it through the photoshoot without punching the balloons.
Role-reversed extended leg pose (laugh).


1 – This tour was one of Takarazuka’s first after its prolonged halt due to COVID-19.

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