Top to Top was the Top Star feature in Kageki for 2010, where one Top Star would pose questions to be answered by all 5.
Question: Top to Top – Mind if I ask you something?
This month’s question is from: Matobu Sei
Q1: Do you make a thorough plan for your activities when you have a day off?
Q2: As an otokoyaku, is there something you’re particular about that you’re determined not to give way on?
Matobu Sei, Flower Troupe

Answer to Q1
I used to make detailed itineraries for what I’d do on a day off, but recently I just can’t do that any more, and some days I don’t even set foot outside (laughs). And if I do go out it’s as little as possible… I’m asking because I wonder what everyone does.
Answer to Q2
Every otokoyaku has something where they think ‘This one thing has to be there!’, so since I have the chance now I thought I’d like to ask. As for me, I would always be told my face without makeup is girlish and I used to have a complex about it, but now I just feel that even if someone tells me my natural face is like that, on stage it makes me want to be the manliest one there.
Kiriya Hiromu, Moon Troupe

Answer to Q1
I used to be the type to make detailed agendas saying I’d do something and such and such time, but for the last 4 or 5 years I’ve just made really general plans. I think at some point I must have just stopped for a moment and thought ‘What’s the point of rushing’ (laughs). Also, on a day off I try to make sure I let my body rest.
Answer to Q2
I don’t have anything I’m fixated on, but I feel like kindness and generosity are important to me. I think it’s important just as a person to always understand and consider your partner, and I feel like that expansiveness is connected to being an otokoyaku.
Mizu Natsuki, Snow Troupe

Answer to Q1
A day off isn’t a day to rest, but a day to get everything done that I have to get done, so I make a really dense schedule and basically do everything according to that plan. I like that feeling of ‘This was a well-spent day, I checked everything off!’ (laughs). But recently I’ve started to have some days where I don’t schedule anything.
Answer to Q2
The lines of my costumes. Therefore, even though I enjoy the costume test sessions, I bring up everything, even the tiniest issues, so it takes a lot of time. On stage I’m not just standing still, so I think there are things you won’t know until you start moving, but I’m really dedicated to getting things like the sleeve length and the lines of the back right.
Yuzuki Reon, Star Troupe

Answer to Q1
I make plans. I get really fired up, it’s like a battle with myself to see how much I can get done on my one day off in a week (laughs). But generally I pack in too much and end up late to everything in the second half (laughs). Recently I’ll visit 2 different places, so, say, in the morning I’ll go to Kobe and visit a beauty salon and go shopping, and after that I’ll go to Osaka for shopping and a massage.
Answer to Q2
I used to think ‘an otokoyaku has to be like this!’ about all sorts of things, but recently I’ve come to feel that men and women all have the same hearts, so I don’t have to obsess over how I stand or carry myself. When I feel I’ve really put heart into something, that’s often when I’m told that I’m cool.
Oozora Yuuhi, Cosmos Troupe

Answer to Q1
I make a general plan of what I’ll do that day, and I’ll at least leave the house. If I have extra time in between, I’ll spend it relaxing with tea or spacing out. I don’t make detailed plans even on work days (laghs).
Answer to Q2
That’s a hard question, huh. Though I think if someone looked at me they’d probably think I obsess over a lot of things as an otokoyaku…it’s so unconscious that I don’t even know myself. Ever since I entered Takarazuka I’ve done nothing but otokoyaku roles, so I think I’m seeing things through an ‘otokoyaku filter’. I don’t know…but I feel like I’m definitely obsessive about something (laughs).