Every year in Kageki, each Top Star and Top Musumeyaku publishes a recap of their year in the December issue. While in the actual magazine, the Top Stars and Top Musumeyaku have separate sections, for posting I am combining the two statements for each troupe. (I have also only translated the statements and left off the rather overwrought advertising-style intro blurbs just to save time.)
This is the last of the recap series, as Senka has not printed recap features since the retirement of Todoroki Yuu.
Looking Back on 2022 – Cosmos Troupe
Makaze Suzuho

This year started with NEVER SAY GOODBYE. The first staging was also my debut production, so it’s a very important show to me, and I was so honored to be given the chance to play George. As I was performing I was once again struck keenly by how wonderful this show is, its internal message and the power of its music.
FLY WITH ME was my first personal recital, and also a first test for collaboration between the Takarazuka Revue and LDH JAPAN. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the time I spent together with the audience or the way it looked in the theatre with the waving flags and penlights. I feel like now I have one more special show.
Next, our Grand Theatre show, HiGH&LOW – THE PREQUEL and Capricciosa!!. For the play we were once again collaborating with LDH, so it was another big challenge. I kept working hard in rehearsals, relying on my faith that logs of people were looking forward to this collaboration… I was so thankful for the huge response we got when the show opened. Lots of people came who didn’t know about the Takarazuka Revue before, and I felt so glad to hear that they didn’t just enjoy the play but the revue as well. The revue was a complete switch from the play, a bright and gorgeous show set in Italy. Despite the difficult current circumstances, I think this revue can cheer everyone up and both it and the play are very happy shows.
This year was a year of challenges, and I really felt how important the strength people’s support is to me. I experienced how entertainment becomes complete when the audience experiences it, and I’m full of gratitude.
Next year, in MAKAZEIZM, I’m looking forward to the same feeling as in FLY WITH ME, the rush together with the audience that only comes with a concert. And then in the Grand Theatre I get to take on the challenge of playing the world-famous James Bond. My last show makes me feel so sentimental…well, really, I feel more excited to challenge myself with such a huge role, and being given a new show from Director Koike, who I have such a connection to, also makes me very emotional. I want to strive for improvement until my graduation, and keep working diligently to return all the love I’ve been given.
Jun Hana

For NEVER SAY GOODBYE, we tried to take the roots that had been established by everyone who made the first production, and lovingly bring it to life with the new cast. Even with the shortened time we had for the Grand Theatre run, I feel like we were all able to communicate our emotions and energy to the audience.
For FLY WITH ME, our collaboration with LDH Japan, I was just so happy to get to be in Yurika-san’s (Makaze) recital. There were a lot of new challenges, and I struggled, but I loved the atmosphere we got to build up together with the audience, and it was a very special and valuable time for me. The audience members’ faces were all so close, and I was so happy to see them holding the show merch and participating.
HiGH&LOW – THE PREQUEL was a story created by the great talents of Director Noguchi and LDH. Kana isn’t a role I can come at superficially, so I want to keep deepening my understanding and bring her carefully to life. I hope the revue makes you all feel just drenched in Italy. I want to level up and become a mature Italian woman in the ‘adult’ world of the show.
I know I can’t take for granted being together with everyone in rehearsals, or even having audiences for our performances. This year, I felt strongly that I wanted to accept the changes around me, look for things I could turn into positives for myself, and give something to the audience.
MAKAZEIZM, the New Year’s show, is my first time working with Director Ishida in some time. I want to work hard together with everyone, starting with Makaze-san. I don’t want to be overly aware of my retirement performance, but feel grateful for my encounter with the play, and give my all as I take on the role, while continuing to work diligently until the end.