(After this posting will revert to once a week on Mondays)
In this feature, performers recommend shows to fit a particular mood. The April 2022 column featured Tenju Mitsuki, Minami Maito, Irodori Michiru, and Reika Haru
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of the feature it can contain major spoilers.
Stars present the perfect show for every moment!
Tenju Mitsuki, Star Troupe
When you’re all by yourself and want to enjoy feeling like you’re at a concert…

I used to love live shows from all kinds of artists, so I’d go all the time. Of course I like productions full of acting, but I really love shows where we can all get excited together. If you’re watching the recording of this show at home, you can wear the tshirt and find some kind of stick or something to wave, I think it must feel just as fun as being at a concert. Rei Makoto sings and dances to lots of different genres, and all of the 21 cast members from Star Troupe are sprinting around the stage with their sweat flying, so it’s a high-impact concert bursting with youth!
Minami Maito, Flower Troupe
When you want to have fun…
Jirokichi of the Wind: O-Edo Night Show

It’s full of unique and intense characters, I say even though I was in it, so much so that even now when I’m talking to anyone [in the cast] we’ll still start talking about Jirokichi again. When the performance run started, everyone’s characterization and makeup (laughs) kept getting more and more wild. I think you’ll enjoy our eccentric assortment of Edo-era characters. Well, everyone else was having a good time, while my character was getting put through the wringer (laughs), but the ending feels so nice. Even if you don’t feel like ‘I want to watch this!’ from the bottom of your heart, the music is so fun, and I think you’ll be able to join together with us in enjoying the prologue, so by all means even just watch the prologue (laughs).
Irodori Michiru, Moon Troupe
When you want to watch a play that touches your heart…

Since my classmate Misono Sakura was retiring with this performance I knew I simply had to watch it whatever it took1. It portrays the passion men of that time had towards battle, brotherly love, romantic love, and more, showing the connections between people and the touching relationships that developed. I remember it hit me right in the heart. The way Tamaki Ryou-san’s character, Kusunoki Masatsura, and his younger brothers played by Tsukishiro-san and Houzuki-san stood up for what they believed in despite knowing they were on the losing side, really touched me, and thinking about all of their relationships with their lovers made me even more emotional. It was especially moving when Kizuki-san, playing Masatsura’s father, sang during the final battle scene.
Reika Haru, Moon Troupe
When you want to be swept up in excitement…
Higher than the Skies of Paris

It’s the story of a con artist, Armand, played by Sena Jun, who tries to get in on the planning of the Eiffel Tower so he can steal the donated funds, but then… It’s so suspenseful until the tower is actually completed, and the triangular relationship between [Sena], Ayano Kanami’s character Mimi, and Oozora Yuuhi as Armand’s younger partner was so thrilling. And then, looking at Sena as a con artist just makes you think wow! How the heck did you scam people with this act for so long (laughs). I can’t really call it a happy ending, but the final scene is so cool and lovely. It’s one of my favorite shows: I asked my mom to take me to see it over and over, and I’ve seen the video over and over again to the point I’ve memorized the songs and dialogue.
1 – Irodori did not transfer to Moon Troupe until after Ouranki closed.