ON THE RISE was a 2008 Kageki feature for up-and-coming young stars, asking them various questions about their on- and off-stage life. Toki’s was published in the June issue. (This was several years before her transfer to Star Troupe.)
ON THE RISE – On and Off: Toki Irisu
28 questions for young stars!

“10 years as an otokotaku
Thank you for your support
Toki Irisu (Cosmos Troupe)
Debut: Nova Bossa Nova, 1999
Height: 178 cm
Hometown: Tokyo
Nickname: Maa, Masako

The first Takarazuka show you saw:
Star Troupe’s ‘The Labyrinth of Apollon’.
Your motivation to join Takarazuka:
My mother liked Takarazuka so she recommended it.
A memory of the Takarazuka Music School entrance exam:
I had glasses and a messy ponytail so apparently I stood out a lot… (I had no idea myself)
Your favorite subjects in the Takarazuka Music School:
Ballet, modern dance
Your favorite Takarazuka songs:
I have so many different favorites 🎵
When do you memorize your scripts?
At home at night
What do you do to stave off nervousness?
I just devote myself to getting through it.
A mistake you’ve made onstage:
Once I went on stage in my slippers. There are too many others to talk about (confidential information)
How long does it take you to put on your stage makeup?
30-40 minutes.
A must-have for stage performance:
Water and Pocari Sweat. Hydration is life!
How you spend the night before an opening:
I go right to sleep just like usual.
Something you focus on as an otokoyaku:
All kinds of different things, so many of them.
A show that left a big impression on you:
Young Bloods!!
Moments that make you happy onstage:
Times when you’re happiest:
When I’m with my precious friends.
Your favorite music genre:
Anything. I especially like soothing ballads.
Your favorite fashion style:
Simple styles.
Colors you think suit you:
Clearly defined colors.
Something you cried over recently:
Closing day of a show.
Something you laughed about recently:
Every day in the dressing room.
Do you have a pet?
I don’t have any pets.
The first thing you do in the mornings:
Open the curtains all the way.
Something you do to keep up your health:
Eat a lot and sleep a lot.
What kind of child were you?
I was a Large and funny kid (laughs).
Past skills you’ve acquired:
Ballet, Japanese dance, calligraphy, piano…et cetera.
Something you recommend from your home region:
Tokyo—there’s too many so I don’t kno~w.
Someone you’d like to meet:
My ancestors, Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (I want to be him).
Something you couldn’t live without:
All the irreplaceable people around me.