Moon Troupe Report – June 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Shimon Yuriya and mainly features an interview-style Q&A with Ryuu Masaki.

Moon Troupe Report – Shimon Yuriya

Shimon Yuriya wearing a long sleeved shirt with checkered front panels. She is smiling and holding a sign on her head with the Japanese text for 'Ca Ira Mon Amour to Tokyo'.
‘Ca Ira Mon Amour to Tokyo!’

How are you doing, everyone!?

Moon Troupe is in the last stretch of our Grand Theatre performance!! This month we finally head to Tokyo!!

This month I got a ton of questions for our beloved Top Star ✨, (Ryuu) Masaki-san, so I’m doing an exclusive interview!!!

Q1: What has given you the most feels lately, Ryuu-san?

A1: On a day off, my little doggo1 ❤️ sat neatly at the table and was eating my spaghetti!! He ran off when I was like ‘Cut that out!’ but then when he looked back he was covered in bits of seaweed 🎵 and his mouth was all surrounded with bits of tarako 🎵 ‘Ah~ ❤️’ I couldn’t bring myself to be angry.

“My little doggo”…the sound is so cute… ✨ I was getting feels just listening to Masaki-san telling the story ❤️ Also apparently it’s a little black doggo ⭐️ What’s his name…!?

Q2: Masaki-san, is there anything fashion-related that’s really in with you right now?

A2: I like loud summery pants and shirts, so maybe that ✨ Also, socks are a must!!! Recently I’ve acquired ones with designs of angel, lace and dots, flamingos, and middle aged men ✨


Masaki-san is always wearing incredible socks to rehearsals!! I’m curious as to what this middle-aged-men print is… Thank you for asking questions that interest us as well!!

We also got the question “What is the energy source for everyone in Moon Troupe”, but while I was talking to Masaki-san, I realized that Moon Troupe’s source of energy is…obviously! It must be Masaki-san ⭐️ is what I thought!!

Finally…I must admit I got a question for me 😅 So I will answer that here!!

Q: Do you like sweet things? Is there something you like so much you think ‘I can’t survive without this!’?

A: As a Takarasienne…normally I subsist upon dreams and mist. However!! If I was hypothetically eating…it’s whipped cream and cherries ✨ I like whipped cream that isn’t too sweet… ✨ Also, since cherries are only available during a short season, it makes them feel even more dear (laughs), so if I don’t get some I won’t be happy the rest of the year!!! My capacity is unlimited 🎵

In 1789 – Les Amants de la Bastille, Ronan and his comrades devote themselves to love and revolution…please come see them!! We’re waiting for you ✨

1 – This seems to be the first official mention of Masaki’s dog Licht (a black long-haired dachshund), who then appeared in the 2015 Moon Troupe Book.

Masaki Ryuu holding a black dachshund puppy. The photo is cropped to show Kizuki Yuuma and Akizuki Saya next to her.

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