Moon Troupe Report – June 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Shimon Yuriya and mainly features an interview-style Q&A with Ryuu Masaki.

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The Costume: Kiriya Hiromu and Aono Yuuki (THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, July 2010)

The Costume is a GRAPH feature where Top Stars and Top Musumeyaku give a detailed photoshoot of costumes from their latest performance and explain their key details. In July 2010 Kiriya and Aono presented costumes from their Grand Theatre debut production, THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL.

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Voyage with You – Moon Troupe (Tsukishiro Kanato and Umino Mitsuki)

Voyage With You was a Kageki photoshoot and interview feature where the Top Combi picked a destination and time period for a photoshoot, as well as having a talk about the location and related Takarazuka shows. Tsukishiro and Umino picked ‘Nostalgic Morocco’ as the setting for their feature, which was published in October of 2022.

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Moon Troupe Troupe Report, May 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters rotate more slowly and in many troupes are only replaced on retirement or transfer, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly. (Moon Troupe sometimes rotates faster.)

Moon Troupe’s Troupe Report was written by Shimon Yuriya in 2015. The May edition focuses on the rehearsals for 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille.

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Words and Pictures: Moon Tales to Excite your ‘Now’ (#2, May 2015)

There’s a section in Kageki called ‘Words and Pictures’ where one sienne from each troupe is chosen quarterly to write about behind-the-scenes episodes from their troupe. (It’s slightly similar to Troupe Report, but longer and with a fixed turnover.)

Shirayuki Sachika was the writer for Moon Troupe in the second quarter of 2015. In this issue she writes about the rehearsals for 1789 (with a surprise cameo from Hokushou Kairi).

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Roundtable Talk – 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille

This rehearsal roundtable talk was recorded for the May 2015 issue of Kageki.

Besides Director Koike Shuuichiro, 15 performers from Senka and Moon Troupe participated.

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