GRAPH Otokoyaku Cram School – Moon Troupe (Sena Jun and Ryuu Masaki)

This 2008 GRAPH feature had Top Stars answering questions from up-and-coming young stars. The Moon Troupe edition was published in the January issue and featured Sena Jun and Ryuu Masaki.

Please note that the translation was sourced from the reprint in Ryuu’s memorial book, but the feature does not appear abridged.

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Looking Back on 2022 – Moon Troupe

Every year in Kageki, each Top Star and Top Musumeyaku publishes a recap of their year in the December issue. While in the actual magazine, the Top Stars and Top Musumeyaku have separate sections, for posting I am combining the two statements for each troupe. (I have also only translated the statements and left off the rather overwrought advertising-style intro blurbs just to save time.)

Note that Moon Troupe’s statement was taken while they were still in rehearsals for the National Tour that played in November.

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Otome Times – July 2021

This GRAPH feature gave stars a chance to talk about their current activities and interests, as well as share personal photos. The July issue included Houzuki An, Aya Ouka, Oto Kurisu, and Takato Chiaki

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The Young Trio’s Thorough Comparison Report

This cute comparison Q&A was published in the March 1993 issue of GRAPH. It features 3 of the Top Musumeyaku of the time: Asano Kayo (Moon Troupe), Morina Miharu (Flower Troupe), and Shiraki Ayaka (Star Troupe), classmates who were known as the ‘Young Trio’ after they all ascended to Top Musumeyaku positions very close together.

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ZUKA LIVE – Houzuki An (Moon Troupe)

ZUKA LIVE was an ‘advice show’ style column in GRAPH where readers could write in with questions for stars. Houzuki’s was published in the December 2021 issue.

(As with all reader features, there is the possibility that I missed some reference in the pen names.)

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Manaki Reika & Tamaki Ryou farewell talk

This talk feature ahead of Moon Troupe Top Musumeyaku Manaki Reika’s retirement from Takarazuka was published in the November 2018 issue of GRAPH. The farewell talk is an invitation feature, and Manaki chose her partner, Moon Troupe Top Star Tamaki Ryou.

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