Star Troupe Troupe Report – November 2023

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Kozakura Honoka, and talks about events backstage of the ME AND MY GIRL tour which featured Senka guest actress Minami Maito.

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My Seven Days Diary – Tatsuki You (Star Troupe)

This is a diary-styled feature from Kageki accompanied by the star’s personal photos. Tatsuki’s was published in the June 2008 issue.

The dates are unspecified (and sometimes she isn’t talking about things that happened that actual day), but going by the events she described this was recorded during late April/early May, during the break after Le Rouge et le Noir 2008 and the start of Scarlet Pimpernel rehearsals.

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Berubara and I – Setouchi Miya (Part 2)

This book, which is something of an ‘oral history’ of Takarazuka’s Rose of Versailles adaptations, was published by Ascom in late 2005, and features chronological accounts from otokoyaku who had performed in the franchise from its first origins through the 2001 productions. Since the book is derived from transcriptions of interviews taking place often many decades after the fact, there may be discrepancies between accounts.

Please note that the term appearing through the text as ‘theatre-comic’ is translated from the Japanese term gekiga [劇画]. Although this term is described as applying to mainly male-oriented comics in most English-language sources, this is no longer accurate. The definition of this word has changed to also include sweeping, romantic female-oriented works with Rose of Versailles being arguably the most famous of theatre-comics. Takarazuka even published its own magazine of theatre-comics in the 1970s.

Chapters have been split in two to make them more readable without too much scrolling to reach the explanatory footnotes. Some paragraph breaks have also been added for ease of reading in English. I have also included (or will include when time allows) some images printed in the book as well as sourcing many other archival images to illustrate the text.

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Berubara and I – Setouchi Miya (Part 1)

This book, which is something of an ‘oral history’ of Takarazuka’s Rose of Versailles adaptations, was published by Ascom in late 2005, and features chronological accounts from otokoyaku who had performed in the franchise from its first origins through the 2001 productions. Since the book is derived from transcriptions of interviews taking place often many decades after the fact, there may be discrepancies between accounts.

Please note that the term appearing through the text as ‘theatre-comic’ is translated from the Japanese term gekiga [劇画]. Although this term is described as applying to mainly male-oriented comics in most English-language sources, this is no longer accurate. The definition of this word has changed to also include sweeping, romantic female-oriented works with Rose of Versailles being arguably the most famous of theatre-comics. Takarazuka even published its own magazine of theatre-comics in the 1970s.

Chapters have been split in two to make them more readable without too much scrolling to reach the explanatory footnotes. Some paragraph breaks have also been added for ease of reading in English. I have also included (or will include when time allows) some images printed in the book as well as sourcing many other archival images to illustrate the text.

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Voyage with You – Star Troupe (Rei Makoto and Maisora Hitomi)

Voyage With You was a Kageki photoshoot and interview feature where the Top Combi picked a destination and time period for a photoshoot, as well as having a talk about the location and related Takarazuka shows. Makoto and Maisora picked 18th Century Colmar, France, for their feature, which was published in the March issue.

An outtake from the back of the magazine is included.

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Looking Back on 2022 – Star Troupe

Every year in Kageki, each Top Star and Top Musumeyaku publishes a recap of their year in the December issue. While in the actual magazine, the Top Stars and Top Musumeyaku have separate sections, for posting I am combining the two statements for each troupe. (I have also only translated the statements and left off the rather overwrought advertising-style intro blurbs just to save time.)

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ESPECIAL TIME: As you like it – Aine Harei and Koto Marie

ESPECIAL TIME was a long-running invitation talk feature in GRAPH, where one sienne is given the opportunity to invite someone else.

Aine Harei’s feature, where she invited Koto Marie, was published in the February 2010 issue.

Some of the outtake photos from the back of the magazine are also included.

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