Lucifer’s Tears

  • Version 1
  • Download 104
  • File Size 146.40 KB
  • Create Date December 27, 2020

Our eighth release is finally complete!

This translation was made by kittychan-sings-enka, with editing and assistance from chemicalperfume. Subtitles and additional proofreading were done by leecifer-cynic.

(Subtitles are no longer released with the scripts as of the last time someone violated our rules. If that was you, you owe us a 5-page essay explaining why you thought that was a reasonable course of action.)

This script should work with all versions of the show, including the shinjin kouen. As far as I know the DVD of the show is unavailable except for used copies, but the soundtrack is available on Japanese iTunes, so if you enjoy this translation and have access to Japanese iTunes, please consider supporting Takarazuka by making a purchase! (And the songs are amazing anyway…)