The Man from Algiers – Subtitles

  • Version 1.0.0
  • Download 62
  • File Size 123.01 KB
  • Create Date September 19, 2022

We are also now releasing sub files once again on a trial basis. The subtitles for this show were made for a TV broadcast version, but it should be the same recording as commercial releases.

This is one of my favorite shows by Shibata Yukihiro, so I am delighted to release subtitles for it! (For the script check here.)

There are a few relevant content warnings, and in general the plot is fairly dark. Please highlight the following text to view, as they contain major spoilers. Dubious consent, assisted suicide.

Please note: This show has gone through multiple script versions over the years. The 2019 version seems to be based on much older scripts, so it will not match with the highly altered version that Moon Troupe performed in 2011. (However, another release may be made for that production later!)