Flower Troupe Report, June 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Ootori Mayu and features mainly Q&As with Asumi Rio and other Flower Troupe stars.

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Moon Troupe Report – June 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Shimon Yuriya and mainly features an interview-style Q&A with Ryuu Masaki.

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Star Troupe Troupe Report – November 2023

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Kozakura Honoka, and talks about events backstage of the ME AND MY GIRL tour which featured Senka guest actress Minami Maito.

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Snow Troupe Troupe Report, June 2013

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Sahana Mako, and talks about events backstage of The Rose of Versailles: Fersen.

(Sahana consistently refers to otokoyaku with male pronouns and honorifics; this is not a translation error but her personal writing style, as is the various bold text, strikethroughs, etc.)

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Moon Troupe Troupe Report, May 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters rotate more slowly and in many troupes are only replaced on retirement or transfer, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly. (Moon Troupe sometimes rotates faster.)

Moon Troupe’s Troupe Report was written by Shimon Yuriya in 2015. The May edition focuses on the rehearsals for 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille.

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Snow Troupe Troupe Report, April 2017

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

Snow Troupe’s Troupe Report has been written by Sahana Mako since 2012. The April 2017 edition focuses on Snow Troupe’s performance of One Night of Stars/Greatest Hits! in Nagoya’s now-closed Chunichi Theatre.

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Star Troupe Troupe Report – June 2017

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

Star Troupe’s Troupe Report has been written by Kisaragi Ren since 2015. The June 2017 edition features questions for the leading members of the troupe and backstage anecdotes.

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Star Troupe Troupe Report (December 2017)

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

Star Troupe’s Troupe Report has been written by Kisaragi Ren since 2015. The December 2017 edition focuses on Ichijo Azusa, who retired from Star Troupe with the show closing that month.

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Flower Troupe Report – February 2017

In each Kageki, there is a ‘Troupe Report’ where someone from each troupe collects funny or interesting anecdotes or does Q&A with other members.

The February 2017 Flower Troupe Report was written by Nana Kurara, and has some winter seasonal questions as well as discussion of Golden Desert and the 2016 Takarazuka Special.

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Star Troupe Report – April 2017

In each Kageki, there is a ‘Troupe Report’ where someone from each troupe collects funny or interesting anecdotes or does Q&A with other members.

The April 2017 Troupe Report was written by Kisaragi Ren and focuses on the backstage of The Scarlet Pimpernel, as well as some Osaka travel tips from Top Star Kurenai Yuzuru!

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