The Costume: Kiriya Hiromu and Aono Yuuki (THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, July 2010)

The Costume is a GRAPH feature where Top Stars and Top Musumeyaku give a detailed photoshoot of costumes from their latest performance and explain their key details. In July 2010 Kiriya and Aono presented costumes from their Grand Theatre debut production, THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL.

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89 Records of The Age of Exploring the Seven Seas – #7: Asumi Rio (Moon Troupe)

The classmate interview column for the 89th class was written by Nanami Hiroki and ran in GRAPH in 2010. (The titles are usually elaborate puns, in this case Seven Seas=Nanami, 89 Records=a pun on the Japanese term for ‘white papers’.) Asumi’s interview was published in the July issue; she was still a Moon Troupe member at the time.

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