This survey of the main stars in both Rose of Versailles 2001 casts was published in GRAPH in May of 2001. At the time, Star Troupe was performing Oscar and Andre in Tokyo, and Cosmos Troupe was performing Fersen and Marie Antoinette in Takarazuka. Due to length, the two troupes’ responses will be posted separately.
A few notes on their answers, as well as possibly more familiar Japanese titles for the songs mentioned, are included in [italicized brackets].
This survey of the main stars in both Rose of Versailles 2001 casts was published in GRAPH in May of 2001. At the time, Star Troupe was performing Oscar and Andre in Tokyo, and Cosmos Troupe was performing Fersen and Marie Antoinette in Takarazuka. Due to length, the two troupes’ responses will be posted separately.
A few notes on their answers, as well as possibly more familiar Japanese titles for the songs mentioned, are included in [italicized brackets].
The Costume is a GRAPH feature where Top Stars give a detailed photoshoot of certain costumes and explain their key details. These two feature Snow Troupe Top Stars of the time Sagiri Seina and Sakihi Miyu introducing costumes from their holiday revue Greatest HITS! and were originally published in the January 2017 issue.
One of the behind-the-scenes comics from the December 2015 issue of Graph. (The feature it accompanied is not yet translated.) ‘Fuwari’ was a musumeyaku interview feature where the guests for the month go to a cafe and chat, or in Miyu’s case, hunt for fashion tips…
art by Masuck. (Image editing by the-rear-admiral-reborn)
Official promotional video for the musical adaptation of Biohazard with text transcript translation. Please note I know very little about the Biohazard franchise.
Hello, everyone! I’m Yuzuki Reon.
(onscreen) Enthusiasm for the upcoming musical
Since I haven’t been in a play1 since retiring from Takarazuka, I’m really looking forward to being able to perform in this show. And then since it’s a musical of Biohazard—everyone knows about Biohazard—I’m really interested in how Biohazard would be as a musical. Since Biohazard is something everyone’s familiar with I’m sure you will all enjoy it!
(onscreen) What does the plot seem to contain?
Well, this work is…well, Biohazard has a lot of action, and there’s the image of a really cool woman. However, along with that there’s eventually a feeling of love, and I think at the end you might feel like your heart has been calmed.
Everyone, we’re making a musical adaptation of Biohazard, so please come and enjoy it! I’m working hard!
1 – Meaning a plotted dramatical work, not a prose play; Yuzuki’s first post-Takarazuka performance, Prince of Broadway, was more of a revue styled show.
TCA Press, Takarazuka’s monthly promotional handout/magazine, publishes game features such as these ‘Personality Tests’ featuring Takarazuka characters. The original feature was provided by tumblr user chibi-koun. Which issue it is from is unknown (please let us know if you recognize it).
* “Golden Week” is a string of holidays that happens in May. However (if I remember this right), April is both back-to-school and when new hires start work after graduating college, so ‘May Blues’ is the depression/burnout that comes from that.
TCA Press, Takarazuka’s monthly promotional handout/magazine, publishes game features such as these ‘Personality Tests’ featuring Takarazuka characters. The original feature was provided by tumblr user chibi-koun. Which issue it is from is unknown (please let us know if you recognize it).