Moon Troupe Troupe Report, May 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters rotate more slowly and in many troupes are only replaced on retirement or transfer, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly. (Moon Troupe sometimes rotates faster.)

Moon Troupe’s Troupe Report was written by Shimon Yuriya in 2015. The May edition focuses on the rehearsals for 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille.

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New Snow Troupe Top Star Special – Ayakaze Sakina (part 1)

This special GRAPH feature to commemorate Ayakaze Sakina’s ascension was published in September of 2021.

It is being posted in 2 parts due to length. The first part features statements from Ayakaze and new Top Musumeyaku Asazuki Kiwa, as well as a trio Q&A featuring Ayakaze, Asazuki, and Asami Jun.

Some outtake photos from the back of the magazine are included.

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ZUKA LIVE – Asami Jun (Snow Troupe)

ZUKA LIVE was an ‘advice show’ style column in GRAPH where readers could write in with questions for stars. Asami’s was published in the August 2021 issue.

(As with all reader features, there is the possibility that I missed some reference in the pen names.)

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Talk DX: City Hunter/FIRE FEVER! (Ayakaze Sakina and Asami Jun)

Talk DX is a long-running GRAPH talk feature where Top Stars and their main otokoyaku co-stars discuss their current Grand Theatre performance before the shift to Tokyo. The City Hunter/FIRE FEVER! talk was published in the November 2021 issue.

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days: Sakuragi Minato (April 2017)

days was a photo feature in GRAPH where performers created a journal or blog-style timeline of photos with captions. Sakuragi’s covers the end of 2016, featuring her performances of L’Aigle Aux Deux Tetes in Yokohama, the Takarazuka Special, and rehearsals for Chateau de la Reine/Viva! Festa!.

(Please note that there are brief references to weight/body image in this feature.)

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Sparkling TIME – Asami Jun and Sakuragi Minato

Sparkling TIME is a Kageki talk feature which includes a photoshoot (designed by the participants) and talk between performers, often classmates. Asami’s and Sakuragi’s was published in the March 2017 issue.

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