Mizu Natsuki Farewell Roundtable

For her retirement issue of GRAPH in September 2010, Mizu Natsuki held a roundtable talk with every single otokoyaku who had performed one of her roles in a junior lead production.

The 5 otokoyaku participating are Saou Kurama, Daigo Seshiru (pre musumeyaku switch), Renjou Makoto, Karyou Shizuru, and Ayakaze Sakina.

One outtake photo from the back of the magazine is also included.

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Beautiful Sunday – We were Ken-3 Once (Sept 2010)

In the 2010 GRAPH photo feature (featuring an unreplicable pun on the Japanese word for ‘3’), performers presented photos from their third year in the company. The September issue featured Misuzu Aki, Sakura Ichika, Daigo Seshiru, and Makaze Suzuho.

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