Flower Troupe Report, June 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe, often via Q&A content with questions solicited from readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Ootori Mayu and features mainly Q&As with Asumi Rio and other Flower Troupe stars.

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Otome Times – July 2021

This GRAPH feature gave stars a chance to talk about their current activities and interests, as well as share personal photos. The July issue included Houzuki An, Aya Ouka, Oto Kurisu, and Takato Chiaki

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ZUKA LIVE – Houzuki An (Moon Troupe)

ZUKA LIVE was an ‘advice show’ style column in GRAPH where readers could write in with questions for stars. Houzuki’s was published in the December 2021 issue.

(As with all reader features, there is the possibility that I missed some reference in the pen names.)

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Sparkling Time: Hozuki An and Ayanagi Shou

Sparkling TIME is a long-running photo/talk feature from Kageki. An and Shou’s was published in the September 2016 issue. They are classmates from the 92nd class; at the time, Houzuki was in Flower Troupe and Ayanagi in Snow Troupe.

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92nd Class Ties!

This round-robin style talk with all the 92nd class members was published in the October 2017 issue of GRAPH, as part of a series on the more senior classes (those who have been in the company 10 years of more). 

The participants are: Chinami Karan, Shouno Chio, Ayanagi Shou, Kizaki Reo, Tenma Michiru, Matsukaze Akira, Shizuki Otone, Takasumi Hayato, Rinjou Kira, Houzuki An, Marika Yume, Makaze Suzuho,  Seki Yurito, and Mana Haruto.

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MY HERO roundtable talk

This feature from the March 2017 Kageki is a discussion of the then-upcoming show MY HERO, starring Serika Toa. It took place very early in the production of the show, before rehearsals started.

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