Words and Pictures (Flower Troupe): Words and Pictures and P (#2, February 2013)

Words and Pictures is an update on backstage events from each troupe, with the writers rotating quarterly.

Ootori Mayu was the Flower Troupe writer for the first quarter of 2013. This column features Ootori’s experience watching Ranju Tomu’s ‘Streak of Light’ concert, Ocean’s 11 rehearsals, and Ranju’s guest appearance in The Rose of Versailles.

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GRAPH PETIT TALK: Ichika Sakura, Hanano Juria, Hatsuhime Saaya, Kayou Kirari

In this talk feature, several Flower Troupe members discuss in detail the philosophy of being a musumeyaku. It was published in the November 2011 issue of GRAPH.

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