To the Future – February 2010 (Toa Reiya, Kitori Mariya)

To the Future is a GRAPH interview feature for up-and-coming young performers that has gone through various versions over the years. This was published in the February 2010 issue and features Star Troupe performers Toa Reiya and Kitori Mariya.

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Backstage Journal: Kitori Mariya (The Scarlet Pimpernel)

Backstage Journal is a short Kageki feature where very young cast members write anecdotes about what’s going on behind the scenes of the productions. They’re not very deep, being full of emojis and more like blog entries than articles, but they are a good way to get to know the newest actresses in each troupe.

This one is by Star Troupe member Kitori Mariya (of the 91 Class), and was published in the August 2008 issue.

Backstage Journal: The Scarlet Pimpernel – Kitori Mariya

Hello everyone! Kitori Maya, writing a Backstage Journal for the second time!
Here I’m going to present some fun episodes from the performance of The Scarlet Pimpernel which started on June 20th.

The too-mischievious Sir Percy ❤️❤️

In this production, Touko-san [Aran] plays an elegant ✨ British gentleman, but every day she would do tons of ad-libs onstage. One of them was a scene where Percy would offer to loan Chauvelin, played by Chie-san [Yuzuki],some of his clothes. Of course!! Touko-san ✨ would do really fun adlibs every day!

One day she said “you should wear a bunny suit~” and hopped towards Chie and Asuka-san [Toono] (who were already on stage) in a bunny pose ❤️❤️ she’s so mischievous 😍
Another time, she said “you should wear a disco ball on your head~” while spinning round and round!!1 Even when she was heading into the wings she kept spinning like a disco ball ❤️
Everyone, make sure you don’t miss out on the rest of Touko-san’s wonderful adlibs!!

M. Grapin is from Kansai!?

In the Miquelon scene in Act 2, there’s a part where Touko-san, who is disguised as Grapin, is kicked away by the captured Marguerite. From opening night, Grapin’s adlibs gradually escalated!
She started out on opening night saying “What are you doing! Hold on to her!” but this changed day by day to things like “What are you doing! That’s scary!” or “If she actually kicked me that would really really hurt, you know!” or “Ahh! Scary!” so they kept becoming more intense. But where would a Belgian spy employed by the French embassy have learned Kansai dialect!? That sort of incongruity is the best! Don’t you think? 😆
Everyone, don’t miss out on seeing Touko-san like this!! Perhaps you’ll end up thinking “Isn’t she like that comedian, ______-chan?”

Everyone’s idol ❤️ Mr. Jessup (Tenju)

I can’t talk about this production without writing about Tenju Mitsuki-san, who played the butler ❤️ One day, Mr. Jessup was working on something really intently in the wings. Then she came near where I was on stage. While we were singing “Tralala~ 🎵 Tralala~” she was raising her hands alternately. After doing that a few times suddenly she had flowers in both hands! That’s right, Mr. Jessup can also perform magic. But she had been working so hard to hide the flowers so her secret wouldn’t slip. It was so adorable ❤️ After that all the junior actresses raced to catch her and made her perform until they were satisfied!!

The Scarlet Pimpernel was so much fun, both onstage and in the wings. Did you all have fun too? Well, now it’s ‘adieu’ until we meet again ✨

1 – This adlib is on one of the recordings.