Otome Times – December 2021

This GRAPH feature gave stars a chance to talk about their current activities and interests, as well as share personal photos. The December issue included Serika Toa, Seino Asuka, Agata Sen, and Kiyora Haryuu.

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Debut Roundtable Talk: 104th Class – Let’s bloom as diversely colorful flowers!

Every year, the Top Star of the show in which the new class of Takarasiennes debuts will hold a roundtable talk with the 5 students who graduated with the highest grades. In 2018, the 104th class debuted during the Star Troupe production Another World/KILLER ROUGE, and Kurenai Yuzuru hosted the talk which was published in the June 2018 issue of Kageki.

(Please note that 2 of the students in the talk have very similar last names, Mashiro/Mahiro, so keep that in mind while reading)

Some outtakes from the back of the magazine are also included.

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