Moon Troupe Troupe Report, May 2015

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters rotate more slowly and in many troupes are only replaced on retirement or transfer, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly. (Moon Troupe sometimes rotates faster.)

Moon Troupe’s Troupe Report was written by Shimon Yuriya in 2015. The May edition focuses on the rehearsals for 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille.

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Roundtable Talk – 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille

This rehearsal roundtable talk was recorded for the May 2015 issue of Kageki.

Besides Director Koike Shuuichiro, 15 performers from Senka and Moon Troupe participated.

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With Sienne: June 2016

This photo feature, which ran in GRAPH through 2016, had subjects selecting photos they had taken with other Takarasiennes. This edition features Seto Kazuya, Saotome Wakaba, Mao Yuuki, and Tsukishiro Kanato.

(By this point, the photos had captions naming their subjects, which some previous issues did not.)

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Relaxing Breeze – Saotome Wakaba

Relaxing Breeze (Fuwari) was a musumeyaku feature published in GRAPH, where an interview would take place at a cafe. It was focused on offstage topics such as how they destress or what they do on days off.

Saotome’s was published in the March 2016 issue.

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Sparkling Time: Makaze Suzuho and Saotome Wakaba

A talk from Kageki between the two former Star Troupe members, from the April 2017 issue. (At the time, Asaka Manato had not yet announced her retirement so Makaze Suzuho was not known to be the ascending Top Star for Cosmos).

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