Let’s Ask 2 Questions! – February 2013

In the 2013 Top Star feature for Kageki, the Tops of each troupe took turns submitting questions that they would all answer, as well as predicting the question writer’s own answers.

The questions from February (submitted by Yuzuki Reon):

1) Which of these things would make you surprisingly or unsurprisingly the most happy to receive on Valentine’s Day?
2) Have you ever nearly fallen off the Silver Bridge?

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Snow Troupe Troupe Report, June 2013

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Sahana Mako, and talks about events backstage of The Rose of Versailles: Fersen.

(Sahana consistently refers to otokoyaku with male pronouns and honorifics; this is not a translation error but her personal writing style, as is the various bold text, strikethroughs, etc.)

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Monthly Episode! Hyper – February 2003

In this Kageki feature, the follow-up to a feature published in 2002, a group of younger otokoyaku pick topics from a list and write a short reflection or anecdote.

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99th Class debut talk: Let’s fly! To that sparkling stage of dreams

This talk featuring Sou Kazuho, who was starring in the 99th Class debut performance, The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, and the top members of the new class, was published in the June 2013 issue of Kageki.

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Let’s Ask 2 Questions! – June 2013

In the 2013 Top Star feature for Kageki, the Tops of each troupe took turns submitting questions that they would all answer, as well as predicting the question writer’s own answers.

The questions from June (submitted by Sou Kazuho):

1) Do you like rainy days?
2) What is your favorite color for umbrellas?

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Ranking Talk Resurrected! (Snow Troupe – Mirai Yuuki, Sou Kazuho, Otozuki Kei)

Ranking Talk was a Kageki feature from the mid-2000s where young otokoyaku stars would rank each other in various categories. This one was published in the October 2005 issue and features Mirai Yuuki, Sou Kazuho, and Otozuki Kei.

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