Let’s Ask 2 Questions! – February 2013

In the 2013 Top Star feature for Kageki, the Tops of each troupe took turns submitting questions that they would all answer, as well as predicting the question writer’s own answers.

The questions from February (submitted by Yuzuki Reon):

1) Which of these things would make you surprisingly or unsurprisingly the most happy to receive on Valentine’s Day?
2) Have you ever nearly fallen off the Silver Bridge?

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Snow Troupe Troupe Report, June 2013

Troupe Report is a Kageki feature where an appointed reporter will write about current events in the troupe or ask troupe members for questions to answers sent in by readers. Reporters are generally only replaced on retirement, unlike other backstage features that rotate monthly or quarterly.

This edition was written by Sahana Mako, and talks about events backstage of The Rose of Versailles: Fersen.

(Sahana consistently refers to otokoyaku with male pronouns and honorifics; this is not a translation error but her personal writing style, as is the various bold text, strikethroughs, etc.)

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That’s ranKING! (May 2015)

In That’s RanKING!, the Kageki Top Star Q&A feature that ran from 2015-2017 with some variation, the Top Stars rank each other based on various questions. This month’s question: Who is the most outdoorsy?

I’ve also included an outtake that were printed in the back of the magazine.

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Let’s Ask 2 Questions! – June 2013

In the 2013 Top Star feature for Kageki, the Tops of each troupe took turns submitting questions that they would all answer, as well as predicting the question writer’s own answers.

The questions from June (submitted by Sou Kazuho):

1) Do you like rainy days?
2) What is your favorite color for umbrellas?

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Feeling Now – March 2012

In the 2012 Top Star feature, the Top Stars are asked to pick answers to questions based on their current mood.

March questions: ‘What movie genre would you be interested in right now?’ and ‘If you were buying a new wallet right now, what color would you buy?’

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Which side are you on 2: Hyper! (May 2009)

The Kageki Top Star feature for 2009 was a spinoff of the 2008 feature, where Top Stars were asked to pick a side on a question. Unlike the 2008 edition, which had 2 questions, the 2009 version only has 1 question, and the stars are then asked to predict everyone else’s answers.

The May question: Do you prefer…
A – Traditional sweets?
B – Western sweets?

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Yuzuki Reon “Biohazard” Promo Video

Official promotional video for the musical adaptation of Biohazard with text transcript translation. Please note I know very little about the Biohazard franchise.

Hello, everyone! I’m Yuzuki Reon.

(onscreen) Enthusiasm for the upcoming musical

Since I haven’t been in a play1 since retiring from Takarazuka, I’m really looking forward to being able to perform in this show. And then since it’s a musical of Biohazard—everyone knows about Biohazard—I’m really interested in how Biohazard would be as a musical. Since Biohazard is something everyone’s familiar with I’m sure you will all enjoy it!

(onscreen) What does the plot seem to contain?

Well, this work is…well, Biohazard has a lot of action, and there’s the image of a really cool woman. However, along with that there’s eventually a feeling of love, and I think at the end you might feel like your heart has been calmed.

Everyone, we’re making a musical adaptation of Biohazard, so please come and enjoy it! I’m working hard!

1 – Meaning a plotted dramatical work, not a prose play; Yuzuki’s first post-Takarazuka performance, Prince of Broadway, was more of a revue styled show.

Yuzuki Reon working towards first solo concert since Takarazuka retirement – “What is a non-otokoyaku concert like?”

This article about Yuzuki’s first REON JACK press conference was published by Sanspo.com on December 11, 2015.

Yuzuki Reon working towards first solo concert since Takarazuka retirement – “What is a non-otokoyaku concert like?”

Yuzuki Reon (36), ex-Star Troupe Top Star who retired from the Takarazuka Revue in May, held a press conference about REON JACK, her first solo concert since her retirement, on the 11th.

For Yuzuki, who held her position as Top Star for 6 years–an exceptionally long time by recent standards–a solo concert not as an otokoyaku, but as ‘Yuzuki Reon’ is a challenge. “I asked everyone ‘what is a non-otokoyaku concert like?’” While the concert is still in the planning stages, she said that she plans to perform a new song: “I wrote it about my mental state after retirement, like my worries and how I hit a plateau.”

She began performances for her first post-retirement musical, Prince of Broadway in October. In order to rehearse, she stayed in New York for three months starting in July.

“While I was in New York, everything around me was advancing so fast that I didn’t realize that I myself had stopped.

She wrote her internal conflict of that time into song lyrics. After retirement, she was constantly asked things like “are you going to wear skirts? Are you going to wear your hair long?”

“But while I was in New York, I thought there wasn’t anything where ‘I have to do things this way’. If I want to grow my hair out, I’ll grow it out then. I’m glad I can become more feminine in my own timing. I want to show everyone how I am in real life,” she declared about the change in her way of thinking.

The concert will have singing, talk sessions and acting. “On Broadway, I wanted to convey the fun I was having onstage. For this performance too, I want to enjoy myself together with the audience,” she said for PR. Yuzuki is taking her first steps down a new path.